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1264 results found
Health topics
… tablet, powder, and effervescent tablet forms. Blood tests to check for low potassium levels (hypokalemia) are … tablet, powder, and effervescent tablet forms. Blood tests to check for low potassium levels (hypokalemia) are …
Health topics
… What is the total cost? Are there fees or costs for tests, food, or natural health products? … What is the total cost? Are there fees or costs for tests, food, or natural health products? …
Health topics
… is good news. Ask when and how you will get the results of tests or procedures. If you don't get them when you expect … is good news. Ask when and how you will get the results of tests or procedures. If you don't get them when you expect …
Health topics
… anticoagulant you take, you may have to get regular blood tests and watch how much vitamin K you eat or drink. If you … anticoagulant warfarin, you also need to have regular blood tests to make sure you are taking the right dose. And you … taking care to prevent falls and getting regular blood tests if needed. Compare your options Compare Compare Option …
Health topics
… foods that you thought you didn't like. Look over any lab tests you might have if you are following a special diet. You may notice improvements. Blood sugar tests will tell you whether your diet is helping to control your diabetes. Periodic blood tests can measure your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. …
Health topics
… coordination, and sensation. The doctor may order imaging tests such as a CT scan or an MRI to check your brain for bruising or bleeding. You may need other tests. How is a TBI treated? If your brain has been injured, … coordination, and sensation. The doctor may order imaging tests such as a CT scan or an MRI to check your brain for …
Health topics
… may need to take antibiotics before dental work, certain tests, and surgery for at least 2 years after joint … may need to take antibiotics before dental work, certain tests, and surgery for at least 2 years after joint …