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969 results found
Health topics
… foods that if the food is eaten by the mother, drinking her breast milk can cause a reaction. Most children outgrow … foods that if the food is eaten by the mother, drinking her breast milk can cause a reaction. Most children outgrow … with a food allergy who is planning on a pregnancy and breastfeeding, talk to a dietitian, public health nurse, or …
Health topics
… heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, and some cancers. If you already have one or more of these problems, … artery disease. High blood pressure. Type 2 diabetes. Some cancers. If you already have any of these problems, staying … heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, and some cancers. If you already have one or more of these problems, …
Health topics
… Aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen are all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and can relieve pain and … Aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen are all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and can relieve pain and …
Health topics
… nausea or vomiting. In some women, they can also cause sore breasts, fatigue, headache, belly pain, or dizziness. An IUD … nausea or vomiting. In some women, they can also cause sore breasts, fatigue, headache, belly pain, or dizziness. An IUD …
Health topics
… liquids, such as coffee, away from your baby. Do not heat breast milk or formula in the microwave. Hot spots in the … liquids, such as coffee, away from your baby. Do not heat breast milk or formula in the microwave. Hot spots in the …
Health topics
… It may feel like a burning, warmth, or pain just behind the breastbone. You may also have a sour or bitter taste in your … is an uncomfortable feeling or burning pain behind the breastbone. It may occur after you eat, soon after you lie … Some people who have GERD may have a higher risk for cancer of the esophagus. Learn more Esophagitis GERD: …
Health topics
… drugs. Being born to a woman who has hepatitis B. But breastfeeding doesn't spread the virus to a child. Having a … can lead to cirrhosis . This can increase the risk of liver cancer. Learn more Cirrhosis When to Call a Doctor Call a … drugs. Being born to a woman who has hepatitis B. But breastfeeding doesn't spread the virus to a child. Having a …
Health topics
… with symptoms similar to TB, such as pneumonia and lung cancer. Symptoms of active TB in the lungs Symptoms of … given birth, and people who have HIV infection, some cancers, or poorly controlled diabetes. Have poor access to … with symptoms similar to TB, such as pneumonia and lung cancer. Symptoms of active TB in the lungs Symptoms of …
Health topics
… Uterine fibroids are growths in the uterus . They are not cancer. Fibroids can grow on the inside of the uterus , … Uterine fibroids are growths in the uterus . They are not cancer. Fibroids can grow on the inside of the uterus , … Uterine fibroids are growths in the uterus . They are not cancer. Fibroids can grow on the inside of the uterus , …
Health topics
… sclerosis. This is a rare genetic disorder that causes non-cancerous tumours in many areas of the body. Non-cancerous tumours in the brain may cause developmental … sclerosis. This is a rare genetic disorder that causes non-cancerous tumours in many areas of the body. Non-cancerous …