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Health topics
… Risk factors are things that make you more likely to get an infection. Sometimes the doctor takes a sample of … them, use a condom and clean the sex toys between each use. Vaccines are available for some STIs, such as HPV. Ask your … aged 9 to 26. For best protection from the vaccine, it should be given before someone becomes sexually active. To …
Health topics
… have diarrhea or a fever. It is sometimes called "stomach flu," but it is not the flu. Germs like viruses and bacteria … You can catch it from someone else who has it, or you can get it from foodborne illness. Foodborne illness can happen … can happen when you throw up a lot or have diarrhea. What should you do at home? Drink plenty of fluids. Choose water …
Health topics
… keep your blood pressure medicine from working the way it should. So if you have high blood pressure or other heart or … (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen. Cold and influenza (flu) medicines. These often contain decongestants …
Health topics
… Habits for Preventing Infection and Illness Colds and influenza (flu) can occur at any time of year. These upper … your child immunized. Be sure your child gets all needed vaccines (immunizations). These vaccines provide important …
Health topics
… disease is a very common childhood illness. Adults can get it too. It is sometimes called slapped-cheek disease … rule, people can spread fifth disease only while they have flu-like symptoms and before they get a rash. Usually, by … after exposure to the virus. Early symptoms are similar to influenza (flu)—runny nose, sore throat, headache—and may be …
Health topics
… can be more severely affected by common infections, such as influenza and pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae . This is why immunizations for influenza (the flu) and pneumococcal disease are recommended …
Health topics
… And find out what foods, drinks, or natural health products shouldn't be mixed with your child's medicine. Talk to your … or ibuprofen), don't give your child a cold or influenza (flu) medicine that contains the same ingredient. …
Health topics
… . Sudden (acute) illnesses, such as strep throat and influenza (flu) , can cause belly pain when the glands in the … . Sudden (acute) illnesses, such as strep throat and influenza (flu) , can cause belly pain when the glands in …
Health topics
… but they don't usually last long. Most antidepressants should be stopped gradually. Doctors call it "tapering off." … a week or two. Symptoms may include feeling like you have influenza (flu). You may: Feel very tired. Have muscle aches. …
Health topics
… across two major joints, such as from the elbow to the shoulder. A skin infection at the site of the bite or sting. … used to treat a bite or sting. It may cause hives and influenza (flu) symptoms, such as a fever, muscle aches, or a …