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2973 results found
Health topics
… mean that you don't need the same amount of food and fluids that you needed before. You can be offered small sips of fluid or small bites of food as long as you are alert and … pass (constipation) as your fluid intake decreases and you get weaker. Medicines (like stool softeners or laxatives) or …
Health topics
… can cause your blood sugar level to drop below your target range. If your blood sugar is low and you don't eat … diabetes. People will know that you have diabetes and will get help for you if needed. Teach others (at work and at … blood sugar or when your blood sugar level is below your target range (usually below 4.0 mmol/L). Encourage others to …
Health topics
… of your knee. Several hours after the injury, your pain may get worse. And it might be harder to move your knee. You may … of your knee. Several hours after the injury, your pain may get worse. And it might be harder to move your knee. You may …
Health topics
… the knee. Several hours after the injury, your pain may get worse. And it might be harder to move your knee. You may … the knee. Several hours after the injury, your pain may get worse. And it might be harder to move your knee. You may …
Health topics
… of neglect may include: Dehydration (not enough water or fluids). Malnutrition (not enough food). Untreated health … if you need help knowing what to do. To report abuse or to get help, contact your local health authority. Each province … of neglect may include: Dehydration (not enough water or fluids). Malnutrition (not enough food). Untreated health …
Health topics
… skin hygiene is also making sure your hands and feet don't get too dry. Take care of rashes or fungal infections, like … skin hygiene is also making sure your hands and feet don't get too dry. Take care of rashes or fungal infections, like …
Health topics
… cannot drain from the eye properly. The duct may fill with fluid and become swollen, inflamed, and sometimes infected. … buildup in the corner of the eye. The eyelids may stick together. Redness and swelling around the eye or nose. This … gently massage the area of the blockage. This can prevent fluid buildup in the duct. Limit your child's time in the …
Health topics
… to keep a teen's blood sugar level consistently within a target range. Eating fast foods often also makes it hard for … sadness, anger, and even guilt your teen may be feeling. Get support for your teen. It may be a good idea to have a … to keep a teen's blood sugar level consistently within a target range. Eating fast foods often also makes it hard for …
Health topics
… child must use the weak eye. This will force the eye to get stronger. Your doctor may block the strong eye with an … the patch. Your child will enjoy the time you spend together, and this will help take their mind off the patch. … child must use the weak eye. This will force the eye to get stronger. Your doctor may block the strong eye with an …
Health topics
… Vacuum the carpets and cloth-covered furniture to get rid of as much dust as you can. Use a vacuum cleaner … Vacuum the carpets and cloth-covered furniture to get rid of as much dust as you can. Use a vacuum cleaner …