3906 results found
Health topics
… patch to close the cut in the artery. Then the doctor will use stitches to close the cut in your skin. It will leave a … after surgery. You can do light activities around the house. But don't do anything strenuous until your doctor says … include: Infection. Nerve damage that could cause serious problems, like trouble swallowing. Bleeding in …
Health topics
… Avoiding injuries Any repeated movement or impact can cause an overuse injury. These injuries can cause pain or soreness, inflammation , and even stress …
Health topics
… feedback from their parents. Conflict often happens because children feel they are competing with their siblings for … have something to look forward to when your attention is focused on the baby. Reassure them. You can say, "My love for … your baby brother will get a lot of attention. That's because people love babies, not because they don't like you." …
Health topics
… take deep breaths. Taking deep breaths is the only way to use your lungs to full capacity. If you fail to take … stay, you should regain your full lung capacity. As you use the spirometer, your nurse or respiratory therapist will … side effects. Two of the most unpleasant side effects are nausea and constipation. While nausea will soon wear off, your …
Health topics
… It's important to have surgery before your unstable knee causes other joint problems. If you are thinking about surgery … rest and reduce activity. Your doctor may suggest that you use crutches or a splint. You use ice for swelling. You wrap your knee with an elastic …
Health topics
… the time it takes for a blood clot to form. Anticoagulants used for atrial fibrillation are apixaban (Eliquis), … skin rash. Some people can't take anticoagulants, because they have a higher risk of having a serious problem if … device is placed inside of the heart with a procedure that uses catheters in blood vessels. This device is not right …
Health topics
… program. In fact, sometimes the medical exam can be an excuse for not getting active. The reality is that being … you’re an older adult, have a health condition, or aren’t used to being very active. Set realistic goals. Gradually …
Health topics
… Graves' Ophthalmopathy Hyperthyroidism: Should I Use Antithyroid Medicine or Radioactive Iodine? …
Health topics
… High blood pressure . Kidney disease . Epilepsy . You use alcohol or illegal drugs, or you smoke. You are younger … such as HIV or hepatitis C . Other infections that can cause a problem include cytomegalovirus (CMV) , chickenpox , … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… may feel guilty after eating a piece. If you are angry because you think you can't eat the foods you like, you may feel … feelings you have about following the diet. ___ Confused ___ Afraid ___ Angry ___ Deprived or resentful ___ … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …