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Health topics
… the spinal canal in the neck. The spinal canal is the open area in the bones (vertebrae) that make up the spinal column … or weakness in the neck, arms, and legs. It can also affect your control of your bowels and bladder. When the spinal … can narrow the spinal canal (spinal stenosis). In rare cases, the spinal canal is narrowed from birth because …
Health topics
… to keep blood flowing in the proper direction through your heart. If the mitral valve doesn't close properly, it's … cases, blood doesn't flow through the heart the right way. You will be asleep during the surgery. In an open-chest surgery, your doctor will make a cut in the skin over your breastbone …
Health topics
… increase the chance of these deposits occurring. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of calcific tendinitis may … How is it diagnosed? To diagnose calcific tendinitis, your doctor will ask questions about your past health and … to look for calcium deposits. An ultrasound or MRI of the area may also be done. How is calcific tendinitis treated? …
Health topics
… continue to study the condition. What causes it? Doctors are not sure what causes night eating syndrome. But some … with the sleep-wake cycle and certain hormones. What are the symptoms? People with night eating syndrome do … times during the night. How is it diagnosed? To find out if you have night eating syndrome, your doctor will ask …
Health topics
… fibrous capsule usually found just below the skin. Lipomas aren't cancer and don't turn into cancer. They are found most often on the torso, neck, upper thighs, upper … be diagnosed by its appearance alone. In some cases, your doctor may order an imaging test, such as an ultrasound …
Health topics
… Gas (flatus) is made in the stomach and intestines as your body breaks down food into energy. All people pass gas, … It is normal to pass gas from 6 to 20 times per day. What are common causes of gas? Common causes of gas include: … eating and drinking habits. Examples of gas-producing foods are: Vegetables such as artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, …
Health topics
… one or both testicles that causes the scrotum or groin area to swell. This swelling may be unsightly and … painful and generally is not dangerous. Although hydroceles are common in newborns, they can also occur at any age in … the symptoms? Often a hydrocele does not cause symptoms. You may notice enlargement of your scrotum. Symptoms, when …
Health topics
… prickly heat ) is a red or pink rash usually found on body areas covered by clothing. It can develop when the sweat … rash? In babies, heat rash can be caused by well-meaning parents who dress their baby too warmly, but it can happen to … and activity level. Babies' hands and feet may feel cool to your touch but that does not mean they need to be dressed …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your baby is teething, you may have questions that many other parents ask. Are my baby's symptoms caused by teething? When teething, …
Health topics
… when the upper end of the thigh bone (femur) slips at the area where the bone is growing (growth plate or physis) and … the hip socket correctly. The condition is most common in young teenagers. It's more common in boys than in girls. … in body weight or height may trigger symptoms. What are the symptoms? Symptoms usually begin between ages 10 and …