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Health topics
… of getting it increases with age. Most people who have it are able to lead normal lives. What causes it? The cause of … to: Genetics. You're more likely to get Paget's disease if your parents, brothers, or sisters have it. Viruses. The … results in loss of feeling in the pelvic area and legs. How is it diagnosed? Paget's disease is most often found by …
Health topics
… recluse, violin, or fiddle-back ( Loxosceles ) spiders are about 1.25 cm (0.5 in.) long with a dark violin-shaped … medical care if you have severe symptoms throughout your body. Call your doctor if an open sore and necrosis develop. Necrosis is black, dead tissue. How is it diagnosed? A brown recluse spider bite is …
Health topics
… What are pressure injuries from scuba diving? Scuba diving can … dangers are those you can't see. You can be injured if your body isn't able to adjust to the increasing and … pain. Passing out (losing consciousness). Symptoms can show up right after you come to the surface. Or they may not …
Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview … Hemorrhoidectomy is surgery to remove hemorrhoids. These are swollen veins in the anal area. During this surgery, the … to help relieve your pain. Your doctor may also give you stool softeners. These help make your bowel movements easier. …
Health topics
… of the esophagus. This is the tube that carries food from your throat to your stomach. In eosinophilic (say … esophagitis, white blood cells called eosinophils are in the esophagus. Eosinophils aren't normally in the … gaining weight as expected. Nausea or vomiting. Belly pain. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose eosinophilic esophagitis, a …
Health topics
… is spondylolisthesis? In spondylolisthesis, one bone in your back ( vertebra ) slides forward over the bone below … it. It most often occurs in the lower spine ( lumbosacral area). In some cases, this may lead to your spinal cord or … Sometimes spondylolisthesis causes no symptoms at all. How is it diagnosed? To check for spondylolisthesis, your …
Health topics
… against the lung causes the lung to collapse. This prevents your lung from expanding the right way when you try to … lung ruptures and releases air into the pleural space. What are the symptoms? Symptoms depend on the size of the … breath (dyspnea). This may be mild to severe, depending on how much of the lung is collapsed. Sudden, severe, and sharp …
Health topics
… Tetanus is also called "lockjaw" because muscle spasms in your jaw make it hard to open your mouth. Tetanus also … had shots to prevent tetanus, so the disease is relatively rare. People who have never been immunized or haven't had a … painful muscle spasms in your neck, arms, legs, and belly. How is it diagnosed? There is no lab test for tetanus. A …
Health topics
… Esophageal spasm means that contractions of the esophagus are irregular, uncoordinated, and sometimes powerful. This … chest, and a burning sensation in the chest (heartburn). How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can often find out the cause of esophageal spasm …
Health topics
… What are noroviruses? Noroviruses are also called Norwalk-like … be spread to others. The virus can stay in your child's stool for weeks after the symptoms are gone. What are the … does a person get very sick or have to go to the hospital. How are they diagnosed? Most norovirus infections are mild …