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Health topics
… and social well-being. Visit the sections below to learn how physical activity can benefit generally healthy people … or disabilities and how to take steps toward changing your level of physical activity. Image Active For Health A toolkit of resources to help persons with chronic conditions …
Health topics
… after you return to work, it may help to plan ahead. Here are some things to think about. Employer support. Before your child is born, talk to your employer about your … the details of where you can breastfeed or pump, and decide how you will store your breast milk. Also, plan for how
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview How does your weight affect your pregnancy? Most pregnant women have healthy babies—and that includes women who are obese. But being very heavy does increase the chance of …
Health topics
… Menstrual Cups On this page: Overview Overview What are menstrual cups? Like tampons or pads, menstrual cups are … to manage menstrual bleeding. You insert a menstrual cup in your vagina to collect menstrual flow. Then you remove it to … silicone menstrual cup can be used for up to 5 years. How do you use a menstrual cup? Depending on the brand, …
Health topics
… Young People Why Some Young People Use Alcohol and Drugs Is Your Child Using Alcohol or Drugs? Finding the Right Care for Your Child Prevention Strategies … and emotional and social development. It can also change how well they make decisions, how well they think, and how
Health topics
… in children and teens? Blood pressure is a measure of how hard the blood pushes against the walls of the arteries as it moves through the body. It's normal for your child's blood pressure to go up and down throughout the … the heart and brain. This type of high blood pressure is rare. With very high blood pressure, your child or teen may …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. … program it to match your changing schedule. After you learn how to work with a pump, it can make living with diabetes …
Health topics
… leave the hospital safely and smoothly and get the right care after that. You, the person who is caring for you, and your discharge planner work together to address your … may stay with you at your home, or you may stay with them. How to best move you from the hospital to your home or to …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. … treatment, set your limits before you start. Think about how long you want to try to have a baby with medical help. …
Health topics
… Lice On this page: What are head lice? Head lice are tiny insects that live close to … and they don't spread disease or have anything to do with how clean someone is. And you can learn how to treat lice at … lice and their eggs (called nits). But you can also check your child's scalp for lice and nits. To check for lice, use …