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Health topics
… A slip is when a smoker who has quit smokes one or two cigarettes. A relapse is when a smoker who has quit returns to … as well as a relapse. You will also find tips for deciding how soon you will want to try again. This information also … Here are some things that may help: Write down all of your triggers, and have a plan for your two or three main …
Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Scoliosis is a … with the curve in the spine. Some curves in the spine are normal. But sometimes a spine makes a large curve from … or snow)—are restricted for several months. Check with your surgeon before resuming cycling and swimming. Why It Is …
Health topics
… this page: Treatment Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview At the … canal (vagina). But sometimes a baby's rear end or feet are near the birth canal. This position is called breech. If your baby stays in this breech position, you will probably …
Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Wisdom teeth are the upper and lower third molars. These teeth are at the very back of your mouth. They are the last teeth to surface in the mouth. …
Health topics
… bring memories and feelings about a previous greater loss. How can you help an older adult who is grieving? Here are some ways you can help an older adult who is grieving. … An older adult who often seems to be alone can benefit from your company. Invite them to go for a walk or have a cup of …
Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Tissue flap surgery … later as a separate procedure. The nipple and the darker area around it (areola) are created at a later time. Your breasts will look different after surgery. Your new …
Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview This … makes a pouch from the ileum to hold fecal material (stool). The lower end of the pouch is attached to the anus. The muscles around the rectum are left in place. This allows for fairly normal bowel …
Health topics
… Cuts: When Stitches Are Needed On this page: Overview Overview It is important to determine if your wound needs to be closed by a doctor. Your risk of … the wound. The location and type of wound also affects how soon it should be treated. Wounds that have an increased …
Health topics
… and Eye Ointment Actionset Overview Many eye problems are treated with eyedrops or eye ointments, and sometimes … you can comfortably and easily put drops or ointment in your eyes or someone else's. Eyedrops and eye ointments can … information, take it with you when you visit your doctor. How to use eyedrops or eye ointment Safety tips Take these …
Health topics
… this page: Treatment Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview Contact lenses are small plastic or silicone discs shaped to correct refractive errors . After your doctor tests your vision, he or she will write a …