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Health topics
… weight. This type of surgery is only used for people who are very overweight and have not been able to lose weight … Some types of surgery also change the connection between your stomach and intestines. Having weight-loss surgery is a … After surgery, you'll need to make new, lifelong changes in how you eat and drink. How can the surgery affect pregnancy? …
Health topics
… should not take aspirin. That's because for people who aren't at high risk of heart problems, the chance of … to aspirin. Have asthma that is made worse by aspirin. How do you take aspirin safely? Take aspirin with food. If … A nosebleed that you can't easily stop. Bloody or black stools, or rectal bleeding. Bloody or pink urine. Tell your …
Health topics
… had a serious episode of an abnormally fast heart rhythm or are at high risk for having one. If you have coronary artery … I Get an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)? How does an ICD work? An ICD is always checking your heart rate and rhythm. If the ICD detects a …
Health topics
… of noise on hearing vary among people. Some people's ears are more sensitive to loud sounds, especially at certain … above 85 decibels (dB) are harmful. But this depends on how long and how often you are exposed to the sound and … to warning signs that a sound might be damaging to your hearing. A sound may be harmful if: You have trouble …
Health topics
… page: Get started Get started There are ways to make healthy eating fit your budget. You'll be surprised by how spending just a little extra time can save you money. …
Health topics
… Urostomy Care On this page: Overview Overview Understanding how to care for your ostomy will help you live comfortably with it. An …
Health topics
… stores these thyroid hormones and releases them as they are needed. The hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, which … or tumours of the pituitary gland can affect this process. How do thyroid hormones work? Thyroid hormones affect every … hormone slows things down. They: Control the rate at which your body burns calories (your metabolism). This affects …
Health topics
… battery-powered device. It sends mild electrical signals to your heart. This keeps the heart beating normally. These signals are painless. The pacemaker can help stop the dizziness, … about having a pacemaker, it may help if you learn about how the pacemaker helps your heart. Talk to your doctor if …
Health topics
… Common Questions About Giving Yourself Shots On this page: Overview Overview How do I get rid of an air bubble in the syringe? Here is … skin or a muscle is usually harmless. But it might mean you aren't getting the full dose of medicine, because the air …
Health topics
… cancer. It's common to have many emotions, or none. And your feelings may change often, without warning. You may … hours of the day and night. Some people feel angry, sad, scared, powerless, or stunned. Give yourself time to deal with … What are the most common side effects of each treatment? How soon do I need to make a decision about treatment? Where …