3993 results found
Health topics
… page: What is healthcare-associated pneumonia? … . So this kind of pneumonia may be harder to treat. What puts you at risk? You can get hospital-acquired … start shortly after being sent home. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and past health. …
Health topics
… page: What is venous insufficiency? Venous insufficiency is a … This may result in tissue breakdown and venous skin ulcers. What causes it? Venous insufficiency is sometimes caused by … sores, or changes in skin colour. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can diagnose venous insufficiency by examining …
Health topics
… page: What is tongue-tie? Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) is a problem … too short. Tongue-tie can limit the movement of the tongue. What causes it? The cause of tongue-tie isn't always known. … may be made fun of by peers. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical examination of your child's …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What is a lipoma? A lipoma is a growth of fat cells in a … and women. Multiple lipomas occur more frequently in men. What causes it? The cause of lipomas is not completely … be diagnosed by its appearance alone. In some cases, your doctor may order an imaging test, such as an ultrasound …
Health topics
… page: What is group B streptococcal infection? Group B … Or it can develop during the first few weeks after birth. What causes it? Group B strep bacteria normally exist in the … may have the bacteria but have no infection from it. But your baby could get the infection during birth. It is …
Health topics
… people see more than one doctor or health professional. Your primary care doctor, or family doctor, may refer you to … doctors about your care. Write down your doctors' names and what they do in your care. Give each doctor a copy of this … will take, including time in the waiting room. Knowing what to expect can ease your feelings about the time you …
Health topics
… page: What is a hydrocele? A hydrocele is a painless buildup of … in newborns, they can also occur at any age in later life. What causes it? The cause of most hydroceles is unknown. … does not cause symptoms. You may notice enlargement of your scrotum. Symptoms, when present, can include pain, …
Health topics
… to a very small number of people with heart failure. What happens to the heart? High-output heart failure occurs … pump out enough blood to keep up with this extra need. What causes it? There are a variety of conditions that can … other types of heart failure, the end result is the same: Your heart isn't supplying enough blood to meet your body's …
Health topics
… page: What is low blood pressure? Blood pressure is a measure of how hard blood pushes against the walls of your arteries as it moves through your body. Low blood … symptoms happen when blood pressure is less than 90/60. What causes it? Some causes of low blood pressure include: …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What are wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth are the upper and lower … teeth because usually they come in between ages 17 and 21. What causes problems? Wisdom teeth that are healthy and in … You may have a problem if any of the following occur: Your wisdom teeth break through your gums only partway …