3993 results found
Health topics
… Basics Conditions Basics What is Tay-Sachs disease? Tay-Sachs is a rare disease that … much Hex A the body makes. How is it diagnosed? If you or your doctor thinks that your child has Tay-Sachs disease, … opinion for reproductive genetic carrier screening: An update for all Canadian providers of maternity and …
Health topics
… ________________________ Target blood pressure: __________ Date Time (a.m.) Blood pressure Time (p.m.) Blood pressure … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… friendly toward children. These tips can help protect both your pet and your child from getting sick or hurt. Immunize cats and … Keep litter boxes away from children. Spay or neuter your pets. It can reduce aggressive behaviour. Train and …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What is a medial collateral ligament (MCL) injury? A medial … ligament. The MCL is a band of tissue on the inside of your knee. It connects your thigh bone to the bone of your … with lots of stop-and-go movements, jumping, or weaving. What are the symptoms? You may have swelling, pain, and …
Health topics
… page: What is a staph infection? Staphylococcus aureus (staph) is … cuts or wounds and who have close contact with one another. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of a staph infection depend … infection is. If the infection is: In a wound, that area of your skin may be red or tender. On your skin, you may get a …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Gender identity is your inner sense of being male, female, both, neither, or … It can be comforting and helpful to talk to people who know what you're going through. You can find these people through … www.pflagcanada.ca to find a list of useful organizations. What parents need to know about gender identity Children …
Health topics
… page: What is age-related hearing loss? Age-related hearing loss … may also contribute to age-related hearing loss. What are the symptoms? Age-related hearing loss usually … both ears and may range from mild to severe. It may affect your hearing in the following ways: Speech sounds mumbled, …
Health topics
… is inserted under the skin (subdermal) on the inside of your arm. The implant releases the hormone progestin to … you choose the birth control method that is right for you. What are the advantages of using the implant for birth … don't have to interrupt sex to protect against pregnancy. What are the disadvantages of using the implant for birth …
Health topics
… Indoor tanning, especially if used before age 35, increases your risk for all these skin cancers. And indoor tanning … diet or a vitamin supplement and avoid the risk of cancer. What are some other tanning products? If you like the way a … They can cause problems such as liver damage and hives. What are some indoor tanning safety precautions? Indoor …
Health topics
… page: What is molluscum contagiosum? Molluscum contagiosum is a … 2 to 7 weeks. But in some cases it can take up to 6 months. What are the symptoms? Molluscum contagiosum causes small … genital area. The bumps may become inflamed and turn red as your body fights the virus. People who have a weakened …