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Health topics
… prevented. The best treatment plan is one set up by you and your health care team, based on your particular needs and … you'll receive is likely to make you sick. Ask your doctor what medicines are available to prevent nausea and vomiting. … on its own, such as skin temperature, muscle tension, or heart rate. Guided imagery . This is a series of thoughts …
Health topics
… Resection On this page: Surgery Overview How It Is Done What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks … instead of one large one. Recovery time is faster. You and your doctor will think about several things in deciding … called a stoma, on the outside of the body for the stool, or feces, to pass through into a colostomy bag. …
Health topics
… Contact Lenses On this page: Treatment Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks … silicone discs shaped to correct refractive errors . After your doctor tests your vision, he or she will write a … of the lenses are essential for comfort, safety, and accurate correction. Improvements in contact lenses have made …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your joints hurt when you do an activity, you can do a … several smaller tasks. Rest between tasks. Use electric tools. Electric tools such as can openers, blenders, power … does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of …
Health topics
… for Nearsightedness On this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview PRK (photorefractive keratectomy), LASEK (laser epithelial keratomileusis), and … about 30 minutes. Most of this time is spent preparing your eye and the laser. The actual treatment time is very …
Health topics
… Children and Teens Overview What is a vegetarian diet? In general, a vegetarian diet is … less than people who eat meat. Are less likely to die of heart disease. Have lower cholesterol levels. Are less … leafy green vegetables, and iron-fortified cereals in your diet. Iron from plant foods is not absorbed as well as …
Health topics
… Between 12 and 24 months of age, changes in the brain help your toddler learn and understand language. Most toddlers … asked, even though they may not say the words for them. The rate at which children learn to talk varies widely. But in … as you leave. But he or she may not fully understand what is happening until you are gone. When parents …
Health topics
… his or her diabetes care. A diabetes care plan will help your child's teachers and other school staff know when and … use. If not, you can find one at . Check with your school or … Specify when and how to test your child for ketones and what to do if ketones are present. Physical activity and …
Health topics
… November 1, 2016 Overview When setting a fitness goal for yourself, there are several things you can do to make your … a 30 minute walk every day”. Then you always know exactly what needs to be accomplished. Your goal should also be … and lifestyle, as well as the budget, support and tools you have available. For example, keep in mind that …
Health topics
… in activities that he or she used to enjoy. The change in your loved one's or friend's behaviour may be so great that … want to help in some way. This topic will give you the tools to do so. Depression is a disease. It's not being … treatment. Offer support. You can do this by understanding what depression is, being patient, and offering help. Don't …