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Health topics
… Overview Overview Atypical neuropathies are types of nerve damage caused by diabetes. One type … with time. What are the symptoms? The type of symptoms you have depends on the kind of atypical neuropathy you … trouble moving the eyes, and double vision. This occurs when one of the cranial nerves is affected. …
Health topics
… affect (PBA) is a problem in the brain that causes you to laugh or cry for no reason. The sudden fits of tears … can happen at any time, no matter what you're feeling. What are the symptoms? When you have PBA, you may suddenly cry or laugh for no …
Health topics
… of noise on hearing vary among people. Some people's ears are more sensitive to loud sounds, especially at certain … are harmful. But this depends on how long and how often you are exposed to the sound and whether you wear hearing … races Gunshot, siren at 30 metres (100 feet) How to know when noise levels may be harmful An easy way to be more …
Health topics
… Information Is this topic for you? This topic has information about the loss of a baby … can happen even in a pregnancy that has been going well. When stillbirth occurs before labour, a doctor usually … woman medicine to start labour or by doing surgery ( caesarean section , or C-section). What causes stillbirth? In …
Health topics
… Incision Care After Surgery On this page: Overview Overview After surgery, you will need to take care of the incision as it heals. … may dissolve over time. Or your doctor will tell you when to come back to have stitches or staples removed. You
Health topics
… Overview The first steps to take when a person is in contact with an electrical source are: Have someone call 9-1-1 or other emergency services. Do not touch the "electrified person" with your hands . Unplug the appliance or turn off the main power …
Health topics
… 2013 It's never too late to start getting active, even if you're well into your pregnancy.   Talk to your doctor or … bra shortness of breath - rest; check with your healthcare provider if you have a family history of heart problems … carefully and avoid activities that may lead to falls Know when to stop Stop exercising and call your healthcare
Health topics
… and a mineral. It helps keep the right mix of fluids in your body. It also helps keep your heart beating normally … as they should. What causes it? Hypokalemia may happen when the body loses large amounts of certain fluids. Severe … and—in some cases—cancer treatments may be the cause. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of hypokalemia include muscle …
Health topics
… is gastritis? Gastritis is an upset stomach. It happens when something irritates the stomach lining. Normally, a … the stomach lining. Low levels of iron or vitamin B12. What are the symptoms? Gastritis can make you feel sick to your stomach. Symptoms may include pain, …
Health topics
… disorder (DID)? Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a rare mental health condition. It was once known as multiple … exist. And they can't remember things that happen when the other personalities are active. What causes it? DID … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …