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Health topics
… HIV, or another infection that can be spread that way. When the person does have an infection that can be spread, your risk level if you are accidentally stuck by the needle depends on: How much …
Health topics
… that smoking is not good for their health. But smoke from your cigarettes ( second-hand smoke ) also puts people around you at … infant death syndrome (SIDS). But you can change this. When you quit smoking, you reduce all of these risks for …
Health topics
… Cataracts: Eye Care After Surgery On this page: Overview … Overview The day after surgery to remove a cataract , you will most likely be allowed to return to your normal … from the surgery. Wear your glasses or sunglasses when you are outside. Do not get anything in the eye from …
Health topics
… Overview Colorectal cancer genetic testing can tell you if you carry rare changed, or mutated, genes that can cause colorectal … such as Lynch syndrome. But the tests cannot tell you when or if you will develop colorectal cancer. Deciding …
Health topics
… is saying. Trouble communicating can be very frustrating. When you talk to someone who's had a stroke, be understanding and … might get helpful tips from their stroke rehab team. Here are some examples. Speak directly to the person. Don't …
Health topics
… Overview Sickle cell trait occurs when a person inherits a sickle cell gene from just one parent. People with sickle cell trait rarely have symptoms. … Testing positive for sickle cell trait doesn't mean that you need to have treatment or make changes in your …
Health topics
… fractures of the spine. The procedure can return your vertebrae to a more normal shape. Your doctor may numb the area, or you may get medicine to make you sleep. The doctor … Nerve damage. Infection. Problems are more common when more than one vertebra is treated at the same time. …
Health topics
… to help men determine how bothersome their urinary symptoms are and to check how effective their treatment is. footnote … point scale to answer the questions. 0 points means you answered "never" to the question. 1 point means youyou found that you stopped and started again several times when you urinated? Over the past month, how often have you
Health topics
… Walk your way to health Last updated January 9, 2013 Walking is … gradually building your pace. Don't forget to cool down when you finish!  Find the right pace When starting out, … pace than a stroll without over-exerting yourself. If you are with a partner, you should be able to talk without …
Health topics
… quitting smoking or drinking less. But whatever the change, you have to be ready to make it. And the reality is that only you know when you're ready for a change. No matter where you are—whether you're ready to change today or are thinking …