3986 results found
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… Birth On this page: Overview Overview You and your birth partner can take part more fully in a vaginal birth than you can in a caesarean delivery. During a caesarean, the mother gets either a … she stays in the recovery room for a time after the birth. When a general anesthetic is used, the mother is unconscious …
Health topics
… serious problems include: A toxic reaction , which occurs when insect or spider venom acts like a poison in the body. … stings or spider bites and medicines such as penicillin are common causes of serum sickness. Lyme disease , a … caused by bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections. You may have malaria if you have symptoms of malaria and you …
Health topics
… erection problems (erectile dysfunction). Doing these with your partner may help you relax and focus more on the … course of several days or more. Move to the next step only when both partners are ready. Start by caressing your partner without touching …
Health topics
… treat dry AMD. Photodynamic therapy may be recommended if you can't have injections of medicines to treat your AMD or … After treatment, avoid direct sunlight for 2 to 5 days. And when you have to be outdoors, wear dark sunglasses to … works depends on where and how the abnormal blood vessels are growing beneath the retina. For some types of wet AMD, …
Health topics
… and prevent disease, Canada's Food Guide recommends that you make it a habit to eat a variety of healthy foods each day, limit highly processed foods, and be aware of things that can shape the food choices you make. Choosing healthy foods When you choose healthy foods regularly, you can start to …
Health topics
… by creating a scar. This reduces the brain activity in that area. It may help relieve movement symptoms such as tremor … side of the brain affects the opposite side of the body. If you have tremor in your right hand, for instance, the left … about 6 weeks. Why It Is Done Pallidotomy may be an option when a person with advanced Parkinson's disease has: Severe …
Health topics
… tooth enamel is less serious than one to a deeper layer of your tooth . A chip may result from grinding the teeth at … the tooth and hold the tooth together. Bleeding is serious when it occurs inside a permanent tooth after the tooth has … Medicine David Messenger MD - Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Medicine Current as of: November 14, 2022 Author: …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Heatstroke occurs when the body fails to regulate its own temperature and body … fl oz) to 2 L (64 fl oz) over 1 to 2 hours] for hydration. You may have to help. Make sure the person is sitting up enough so that he or she does not choke. Most people with heatstroke have an altered level of …
Health topics
… at their own pace. Some children may be advanced in one area, such as language. But they may be behind in another … and motor development. Physical growth and development Most children by age 5: Have gained about 2 kg (4.4 lb) and … web page "Is My Child Growing Well?" at www.dietitians.ca/Your-Health/Nutrition-A-Z/Toddlers/Child-growing-well… to …
Health topics
… from becoming worse. A comfortable, well-fitted shoe offers you the best chance of: Relieving pain in the foot or toe … specific to your needs. Consider the following when shopping for footwear: Try on shoes at the end of the day, when your feet are at their largest due to normal swelling. If you have …