3986 results found
Health topics
… for improving health-related physical fitness is called your target heart rate (also known as THR and training heart … heart rate Sources Measuring your target heart rate There are several ways to measure your heart rate: Resting heart rate (HRrest) - Your heart rate when you’re not doing any activity. Maximum heart rate …
Health topics
… as a pill, but the powder form is sometimes snorted or, rarely, injected into a vein. This stimulant's effects help a … who does not drink fluids can become severely dehydrated. When ecstasy is used with alcohol, the effects can be more … at parties Alcohol and Drug Use in Young People Drug Use and Your Health Current as of: …
Health topics
… Sleep and Your Health On this page: Overview … How does sleep affect your health? Most adults do best when they get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each day. Sleep gives … sleeping when you have a fever or an injury. These stresses are often temporary. Your habits and activities before …
Health topics
… Health Decisions Overview Throughout your life you will have to make health decisions for … overall well-being as well as the quality and cost of your care. People who learn as much as they can about their … The following are some simple steps for you to follow when you have a health decision to make. Depending on the …
Health topics
… is about more than physical health. It may also help with your emotional and mental health. For example, it may help … of depression and anxiety. It can be hard to be active when you feel depressed or anxious or have a mental health … before you start a new activity. Getting started There are many ways you can be more active. Anything that makes …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview After you start a cardiac rehabilitation (rehab) program, you will … Each will have a specific role in your rehab. While you are in rehab, make sure to stay in touch with your doctor or … providers. But be aware of the different types you may see. When you understand their roles, you can get the most out of …
Health topics
… or injected into a muscle or vein. Other names for heroin are smack, junk, H, and ska. Heroin is often used along with … much was taken and how rapidly the drug entered the brain. When a person injects heroin directly into a vein or smokes … and in blood for as long as 48 to 72 hours after use. If you or someone you know uses heroin, talk to your doctor or …
Health topics
… at their own pace. Some children may be advanced in one area, such as language, but behind in another, such as … and motor development. Physical growth and development Most children by age 2: Have grown about 38 cm (15 in.) … 12 months of life. Between 12 and 24 months of age, expect your child to gain about 1.5 kg (3 lb) to 2.5 kg (5 lb) , …
Health topics
… their growth. Radiation may also damage normal cells that are close to the cancer cells. But normal cells usually … the past. There are two main ways that radiation is done. When it is given from a machine outside the body, it's … bladder cancer. Or it may be given during surgery or while you are getting chemotherapy. Or it may be given after other …
Health topics
… . Having intense fear that comes on suddenly could mean you're having a panic attack . This sudden fear may come … or without any obvious reason. Or a panic attack may happen when something reminds you of your trauma. During a panic … of yourself. It may seem like things happening around you aren't real. An attack usually lasts from 5 to 20 minutes …