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1002 results found
Health topics
… allergist . This type of doctor can do tests to find what foods you're allergic to. How is eosinophilic esophagitis … and know your food allergens , you can simply avoid those foods. If not, your doctor may suggest one of these diets: Cutting out foods that are known to cause eosinophilic esophagitis. That …
Health topics
… you won't be as tempted to buy less healthy ready-to-eat foods, such as candy, chips, or fast food, to satisfy your … Buy smart, and be realistic. Include some healthy snack foods and special treats on your shopping list. Remember to include some healthy convenience foods, such as cut-up, bagged, fresh vegetables or …
Health topics
… be hard to change your diet. You may have to give up many foods you like. But it is very important to make the … of your kidneys, and if you are on dialysis. Learn which foods contain protein. High-protein foods include meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs. Milk and …
Health topics
… your throat, mouth, or nose after you swallow. Feel like foods or liquids are stuck in some part of your throat or … or both. He or she will also want to know where you think foods or liquids are getting stuck, whether and for how long … in your mouth to be able to swallow better. Changing the foods you eat. Your doctor may tell you to eat certain foods
Health topics
… groups. These include vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods, and protein foods, like meat, fish, poultry, beans, and tofu. They pack … of your plate like it has 4 parts: 1 part for whole grain foods, 2 parts for vegetables and fruits, and 1 part for …
Health topics
… a part of protein. Phenylalanine is present in all protein foods and in some non-protein foods, such as soda pop and sugar substitutes. PKU diets typically do not contain high-protein foods such as: Meat, eggs, and fish. Nuts, peas, and beans …
Health topics
… child's job is to choose how much he or she will eat of the foods you serve. Your child even gets to decide whether to … calories that they take in and burn off. Remember that all foods, even less nutritious foods in small amounts, can fit into a healthy diet. Do not …
Health topics
… you lie down. Late-night snacks aren't a good idea. Avoid foods that make your symptoms worse. These may include chocolate, mint, alcohol, pepper, spicy foods, high-fat foods, or drinks with caffeine in them, such as tea, coffee, …
Health topics
… more of this important nutrient into your diet. Know which foods have potassium. Potassium is in many foods, including vegetables, fruits, and milk products. … You can figure out how much potassium is in packaged foods by looking at the percent daily value section on the …
Health topics
… and fruits, and dried beans are good lower-calorie foods. They give you lots of nutrients and fibre. And they … diet. But cutting back on fats from highly processed foods like fast foods and many snack foods is a good way to lower the …