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1002 results found
Health topics
… your blood sugar is getting too low. Keep some quick-sugar foods with you at all times. Choose foods that contain fast-acting carbohydrate. At home, you … your blood sugar is getting too low. Keep some quick-sugar foods with you at all times. Choose foods that contain …
Health topics
… your blood sugar is getting too low. Keep some quick-sugar foods with you at all times. Choose foods that contain fast-acting carbohydrate. At home, you … Information Low Blood Sugar Level Record Quick-Sugar Foods Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar Treating Low Blood Sugar …
Health topics
… drink water instead of high-sugar drinks. Add some healthy foods. Focus on adding healthy food to your diet, rather than just taking unhealthy foods away. For example, add vegetables to sandwiches or add … Help yourself make healthy choices. Keep more healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables, at home. Pack a healthy …
Health topics
… breath, such as missing meals, being dehydrated, or eating foods with a strong odour, such as garlic. Other causes … Other causes of bad or changed breath include: Eating foods with a strong odour, such as garlic, onions, or … products, such as snuff or chewing (spit) tobacco. Avoid foods and drinks that cause bad breath, such as garlic and …
Health topics
Health topics
… healthy food. It's just a matter of having the right foods on hand and learning how to take shortcuts in the … with quick and easy meal ingredients Keeping commonly used foods in your kitchen can help you pull together a quick meal in no time. Having frozen and canned foods and foods with a long shelf life is helpful for those …
Health topics
… the surgery. You'll start with only small amounts of soft foods and liquids. Bit by bit, you will be able to add solid foods back into your diet. If you drink a lot of … surgery, your stomach can only handle small amounts of soft foods and liquids while you are healing. It's important to …
Health topics
… than 4, and supervise older children when they eat these foods. Cut hot dogs and grapes lengthwise. Do not give young … than 4, and supervise older children when they eat these foods. Cut hot dogs and grapes lengthwise. Do not give young …
Health topics
… know the amount of sugar and starch (carbohydrate) in the foods you eat. This is important because carbohydrates … after meals can help you see how different carbohydrate foods affect your blood sugar level. A registered dietitian … first learning to count carbs. Choose lean protein sources. Foods that contain lean protein (such as beans, tofu, …
Health topics
… alone. Lifestyle changes include: Eating heart-healthy foods. Losing weight if you need to, and staying at a … a health condition. Healthy Eating: Eating Heart-Healthy Foods High Cholesterol: Making Lifestyle Changes What … Eating too much saturated fat . Saturated fat is in foods that come from animals. These foods include meats, …