1002 results found
Health topics
… sleep, exercise, and eat on a regular schedule. Don't eat foods that are likely to trigger a migraine. Manage stress . … be a trigger that you can control. Watch what you eat. Many foods—such as cheese, red wine, chocolate, and foods or drinks with caffeine—are migraine triggers. If you …
Health topics
… started eating smaller portions, and she cut down on fast foods—little steps that still allowed her to eat some of her favourite foods (like french fries, cheesecake, and chocolate chip … sizes. Exercising 5 days a week. Eating her favourite foods. If she has a craving for french fries, she will eat a …
Health topics
… to your diet instead of taking something away. Add foods that you think you need more of, like fruits and … If you start off by taking things out of your diet—like foods that are high in fat or sugar—you might feel deprived. … it harder for you to change. Choose more of the healthy foods that you enjoy. Make a list of the foods you like, and …
Health topics
… What puts you at risk? People who have allergies to certain foods are more likely to have latex allergy. These foods include bananas, chestnuts, kiwifruit, avocados, and … People with latex allergies may get allergies to these foods because the protein in the foods is similar to the …
Health topics
Health topics
… 45 grams). You could choose one serving of three different foods (such as oatmeal, milk, and half of a banana) or three … 45 grams). You could choose one serving of three different foods (such as oatmeal, milk, and half of a banana) or three …
Health topics
… you can take to keep your baby safe. Creating a safe environment for your baby It’s important to create a safe space … hazards (especially when your baby starts eating solid foods). Young children’s mouth muscles aren’t … while in a stroller. To keep babies safe, ensure their environment is free of any small objects, toys, debris or …
Health topics
… and soap. Cover it with a clean bandage. Be careful with foods. Your doctor can tell you the best ways to handle and prepare foods to help avoid infections. You may also need to avoid certain foods. For example, your doctor may tell you to: Eat only …
Health topics
… treat it with a healthy lifestyle, like eating healthy foods and being active. If the blood pressure is higher and … lose weight, if your child is overweight. Eating healthy foods and being physically active may help your child lose weight. Encourage your child to eat healthy foods. Help your child eat a diet that's rich in foods that …
Health topics
… reduced lactose, such as Natrel milk. Eat or drink other foods instead of milk and milk products. Try soy beverage … non-fat dry milk powder. Get enough calcium in your diet. Foods that have calcium include: Broccoli, bok choy, kale, … reduced lactose, such as Natrel milk. Eat or drink other foods instead of milk and milk products. Try soy beverage …