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Health topics
… includes meat. Eating less meat can be better for the environment. What are the benefits? In general, people who … Protein isn't just found in meat. It is found in many other foods. If you are looking for vegan sources of protein, try: … can have nut milks and other foods with added vitamin D. Iron. Getting enough iron isn't a problem if you eat a wide …
Health topics
… poultry, seafood, or fish. Vegan. It's a diet of only plant foods. This means no milk products, eggs, honey, or gelatin. … includes meat. Eating less meat can be better for the environment. Some people don't like the taste of meat. What are … or take a supplement that contains vitamin B12. Get enough iron. Include cooked dried beans, peas, and lentils, leafy …
Health topics
… If you are not able to breastfeed your baby, feed your baby iron-fortified formula . Babies don't need any other liquids … for your baby. Your baby is ready to start eating solid foods at 6 months of age, which is around the time he or … or formula while introducing solid foods. Offer your baby iron-rich foods first, such as iron-fortified infant cereal, …
Health topics
… be caused by other problems, including not having enough iron, folic acid, or vitamin B12. Each type of anemia is … items such as dirt, ashes, clay, or chalk can be a sign of iron deficiency anemia. How is anemia during pregnancy … Eat a balanced diet that includes healthy, iron-rich foods. Some women need to take iron pills along with …
Health topics
… baby. Some people may also need other supplements, such as iron, to meet their increased needs. Speak to your … best for you. Learn more about vitamins and supplements. Iron and Your Health (HealthLinkBC File #68c) Iron in Foods (HealthLinkBC File #68d) Pregnancy and folic acid …
Health topics
… Table salt, soy sauce; large amounts in processed foods; small amounts in milk, breads, vegetables, and … nuts. Trace minerals Mineral What it does Where it's found Iron Part of a molecule (hemoglobin) found in red blood … egg yolks, legumes, dried fruits, dark leafy greens, iron-enriched breads and cereals, and fortified cereals. …
Health topics
… and greens. Folic acid. Folic acid (or folate) is found in foods such as liver, vegetables (especially spinach, … as cereal, bread, pasta, and rice are also good sources. Iron. Iron is found in foods such as red meat, shellfish, poultry, …
Health topics
… The two main treatments for anemia in kidney disease are iron and erythropoietin-stimulating agent (ESA). To build the iron levels in your body, you may need to take iron pills or … include: Diet changes. Ask your doctor if eating more foods high in iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 could help …
Health topics
… bowels commonly move more slowly when you're pregnant. And iron in prenatal vitamins also can cause constipation during … or the blood may go away on its own. Certain medicines and foods can affect the colour of stool. Diarrhea medicines (such as Pepto-Bismol) and iron tablets can make the stool black. Eating lots of beets …
Health topics
… baby in emergencies (HealthLinkBC File #69g) Starting solid foods  At about 6 months of age, your baby needs more nutrients and is ready to start trying solid foods. Find out what foods to introduce first, and how to … meals for babies 6-12 months old (HealthLinkBC File #69h) Iron-rich foods for babies and toddlers (HealthLinkBC File …