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1002 results found
Health topics
… sorbitol are two sugars that often are added to processed foods and medicines to make them taste sweet. Fructose is … sorbitol are two sugars that often are added to processed foods and medicines to make them taste sweet. Fructose is …
Health topics
… and may speed your recovery. Eat plenty of high-fibre foods, such as fruit, vegetables, and whole grain breads and … you are awake. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and spicy or acidic foods, especially if they make your symptoms worse. Spicy foods include hot peppers, chili, pickles, and salsa. Acidic …
Health topics
… headache to start. They include changes in daily routine, foods, hormones, and medicines. They can also include … odours, changes in the weather, or other things in the environment. Strong emotions, such as depression or anxiety, … medicines, lights, odours, or other things in the environment. Triggers add up. So the fewer triggers you have at …
Health topics
… high-contrast labels to "colour code" medicines, spices, foods, and other items. Label any medicines you take so that … high-contrast labels to "colour code" medicines, spices, foods, and other items. Label any medicines you take so that …
Health topics
… hands and working surfaces while you prepare food. Cook foods to safe temperatures, and refrigerate foods promptly. … problems develop. Major changes in the routine or environment occur. For example, a child's caregiver changes, … Head Trauma Child Abuse and Neglect Cuts Dehydration Environmental Illness Growth and Development, Ages 1 to 12 …
Health topics
… bowels, avoid constipation. You can try these steps. Eat foods high in fibre. Include fruits, vegetables, beans, and … bowels, avoid constipation. You can try these steps. Eat foods high in fibre. Include fruits, vegetables, beans, and …
Health topics
… easier: Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Eat foods such as whole grains, bran, dried fruits (especially …