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3658 results found
Health topics
… based on function (how much feeling and movement you have) or on where the damage occurred. When a nerve in the … with complete spinal cord injuries don't have control of bowel and bladder function. B (incomplete). There is feeling … the level of injury, including sacral segments that control bowel and bladder function. C (incomplete). There is feeling …
Health topics
… is needed to help control the infection and reduce symptoms. Some people are at higher risk for cellulitis, such as those who have diabetes, a weakened immune system, or edema . They … In most cases, you won't need further testing. But tests sometimes may be done to find out what's causing your …
Health topics
… it causes may be so mild that people don't even know they have it. But in rare cases, West Nile leads to severe … are screened to see if the virus is present. What are the symptoms? Most people who have West Nile have no symptoms. … blood again in a couple of weeks. You may also have other tests, such as: A spinal tap ( lumbar puncture ) to look for …
Health topics
… degrees. Recliner chairs are likely to allow slipping. They should not be used in place of a bed. Use special support … getting too dry. Dry skin is more easily damaged. If you have problems with bowel or bladder control, clean your skin right away if it …
Health topics
… Chills, Age 12 and Older On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment Related … not a disease. In most cases, having a fever means that you have a minor illness. When you have a fever, your other symptoms will help you know how …
Health topics
… or walking every day. Any previous foot problems you have had. Any medical conditions you have that could be … you may need surgery to correct your problem, you may have tests, such as an X-ray , blood flow testing, or nerve … up, gently stretch it down. Hold for several seconds. You should feel a long, slow, gentle pull. Work on one joint at …
Health topics
… of the feet are caused by changing hormone levels. The symptoms go away after delivery. Moisturizers may give some … or half of your ring finger may be caused by carpal tunnel syndrome . This condition is more common during pregnancy … of your hands during pregnancy may be more serious when you have other symptoms, such as: Swelling or puffiness in your …
Health topics
… small risk that you can spread the virus even if you don't have blisters.  What are the symptoms? The first symptoms of cold sores may include a … with the herpes simplex virus. You probably won't need any tests. If it's not clear that you have cold sores, herpes …
Health topics
… You will need a tetanus shot as soon as possible if you have a dirty cut, wound, or burn and 5 or more years have … shot? If you have a reaction to a tetanus shot, your symptoms may include warmth, swelling, redness at the site … all instructions on the label. Because of the risk for Reye syndrome , do not give aspirin to anyone younger than age 18 …
Health topics
… sliding, paraesophageal , and mixed. Most people who have a hiatal hernia have a sliding hiatal hernia . What … also moves up and away from the diaphragm. What are the symptoms? Most people who have a hiatal hernia have no … hernia often is diagnosed when you see your doctor or have tests for another health problem. If you have symptoms, your …