3654 results found
Health topics
… and dust. A diagnosis may be made based on several tests. These include a medical history, physical examination, blood tests, lung function tests, chest X-ray, and CT scan. In some cases, a lung biopsy may be done. Symptoms Pulmonary fibrosis makes it hard to breathe. …
Health topics
… patient-controlled anesthesia, or PCA. Many people who have pain caused by a life-limiting illness are concerned … pain." Talk with your doctor about medicines you should have on hand to be prepared for breakthrough pain. … place of standard medical treatment. But they may help ease symptoms and pain and improve your quality of life. For more …
Health topics
… labour, delivery, or a surgical procedure. What are the symptoms? Sometimes adenomyosis does not cause any symptoms. … and hormone therapy. A hysterectomy may be needed if you have severe symptoms but are not approaching menopause. … and hormone therapy. A hysterectomy may be needed if you have severe symptoms but are not approaching menopause. …
Health topics
… vocal cords. For example, singers, preachers, and teachers have high-risk jobs. Aging also strains the vocal cords. If … and future voice problems increases as well. What are the symptoms? Typically, symptoms that mean you may have a voice … medical history and by doing a physical examination. Other tests may be done to evaluate vocal cord vibration or to …
Health topics
… Each type of anemia is treated differently. What are the symptoms? Red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. That's why when you have anemia, you may feel dizzy, tired, and weak. You may … visits, your doctor will take some of your blood to test. Tests may include a complete blood count to look at your red …
Health topics
… related to a stroke or Parkinson's disease. What are the symptoms? The main symptom is small shakes (tremors) that … move and check your muscle strength and reflexes. You may have lab or imaging tests to see if something else is causing it. How is …
Health topics
… fall into two main areas. They are controlling asthma symptoms and reducing the risk for future problems. footnote … an asthma attack and using medicines. Asthma treatment should help you achieve good control of symptoms during the … asthma attacks. Your asthma is well controlled if you: Have daytime asthma symptoms 2 days a week or less. Don't …
Health topics
… and dizziness. The person can become light-headed and may have hallucinations and delusions . The effects last only a … few minutes. After heavy use of an inhalant, the person may have a headache and feel drowsy for several hours. The … are often not detected with urine or blood drug screening tests, because they have usually been eliminated from the …
Health topics
… the virus to mosquitoes in their home areas. What are the symptoms? The main symptoms are fever and very painful … start within a week after the bite. Some people also have a headache, muscle pain, swollen joints, or a rash. … are transmitted by the same species of mosquito and may have similar symptoms. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor …
Health topics
… It usually occurs at the same time as or right after you have had a cold. Less commonly, pink eye can be caused by … smoke, and chemicals can also cause pink eye. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of pink eye include: Redness. Itchy or … pink eye. Mild sensitivity to light (photophobia). You may have symptoms in one eye, both eyes, or the symptoms may …