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3654 results found
Health topics
… Recovery can be uncomfortable. The amount of pain you have depends on how deep and long the cut or tear is. You may have pain when you sit, walk, urinate, or have bowel movements. The pain may last for at least a week. Your first bowel movement may be quite painful. An episiotomy or tear …
Health topics
… or the bottom number stays high, or both, that means you have high blood pressure (hypertension). It's normal for … which is when your body loses too much fluid. When should you call your doctor? One high or low blood pressure … or higher). You think high blood pressure is causing symptoms such as: Severe headache. Blurry vision. Shortness …
Health topics
… This is the only way that the doctor can be sure that you have the condition. But a "no endometriosis" diagnosis is … thought to be interfering with internal organs, such as the bowel or bladder. Endometriosis pain that has continued or … after surgery. Damage to pelvic organs, such as the bowel or bladder. Current as of: August 2, 2022 …
Health topics
… may prevent toe, foot, or ankle problems or injuries. Have your feet measured regularly. The size of your feet may … Often one foot is larger than the other. The shoes should be fitted to the larger foot. Don't choose shoes … foot and ankle support. Make sure the heel fits. Your heel should fit comfortably in the shoe with a minimum amount of …
Health topics
… flows through them. If the lymph system isn't working as it should, fluid can build up in the affected arm or leg, and … primary lymphedema. The cause isn't known. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of lymphedema include feeling as though … rings, wristwatches, or bracelets are too tight. You may have a feeling of fullness in your arms or legs and less …
Health topics
… Help keep blood from pooling in the legs. Help relieve symptoms caused by varicose veins, skin ulcers, and deep … be a part of your daily routine. If they fit right, they should be snug but comfortable. It's best to wear them all … a second pair, if you can afford it. That way, you'll have a clean pair to wear while you wash the other. Put a …
Health topics
… about COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) If you have COPD, you know how scary it can be to feel short of breath. Whether you just found out that you have COPD or you've been living with it for a while, you … Using a Metered-Dose Inhaler . Health Topics Medical Tests Take Action Open/close information section Health …
Health topics
… a small amount of white or creamy drainage at times. If you have no pain or other symptoms, home treatment is usually all that is needed. More … in people who wear contact lenses. If you think you may have an eye infection, remove your contacts and wear your …
Health topics
… return to your normal activities within a few days. Dry-eye symptoms are common but usually temporary. You may need to … water in the eye for as long as your doctor recommends. You should shower before the surgery and then avoid showering … usually requires very little recovery time. Most people who have the surgery see quite well the next day. There is …
Health topics
… of life and reduce the symptoms of a disease you already have Primary prevention At the primary prevention level, we … assessments used to identify risks include blood pressure tests, blood glucose tests, cholesterol tests, bone density … ). If you answer yes to any of the PAR-Q+ questions, you should take the ePARmed-X+ exam Have a fitness assessment …