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Health topics
… services and start home treatment right away. What are the symptoms of shock? Adults and older children usually have several symptoms of shock, including: Passing out … a neck or back injury, gently roll the person's head, neck, shoulders, and body together as a unit (logroll). Stop any …
Health topics
… Immunizations are also called vaccines or vaccinations. Why should my child get immunized? Vaccines: Help prevent you or … for others to get vaccinated so illnesses are less common. Have very few serious side effects. Often are needed before … program depends on everyone getting vaccinated. When should my child be immunized? Childhood immunization …
Health topics
… then go without a ring for 1 week. During this week, you have your period. Your period may be very light. Or you may … It may reduce acne, heavy bleeding and cramping, and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. The ring is convenient. You insert it only 1 time …
Health topics
… sticky substance that your mouth produces. What are the symptoms? Healthy gums are pink and firm, fit snugly around the teeth, and do not bleed easily. When you have gum disease, you may see changes to your gums. There … fit together when you bite. Loose teeth. If you think you have gum disease, see your dentist right away. Early …
Health topics
… treat prostate cancer . It works best to treat cancers that haven't spread outside the prostate. But it also may be used … a strong urge to urinate, or passing blood in your urine. Bowel problems. These may include pain in your rectum, … the bones (metastatic cancer) and is causing pain or other symptoms. How Well It Works For someone with localized …
Health topics
… It's also called exercise-induced bronchospasm. When you have an asthma attack, airflow to the lungs is reduced. … or shallow. You also may cough or wheeze. What are the symptoms? Most people with exercise-induced asthma feel … important to tell your doctor. How is it treated? If you have exercise-induced asthma, talk with your doctor about …
Health topics
… or lifting of objects weighing more than  5 pounds . One should expect to spend the first weeks at home with … or yours is severe, and the curve is getting worse. You have pain or trouble doing your daily activities. Bracing … not need to be removed. Loss of lumbar lordosis (flat-back syndrome). Loss of the normal curve in the low back causes …
Health topics
… caused by severe pre-eclampsia . Less than 1% of women who have pre-eclampsia experience seizures. footnote 1 Eclampsia … jerking, the woman may bite her tongue or lose bladder or bowel control. An entire seizure lasts 1 to 2 minutes or … jerking, the woman may bite her tongue or lose bladder or bowel control. An entire seizure lasts 1 to 2 minutes or …
Health topics
… in the nose, but it may cause more side effects. If you have any medical conditions speak to your pharmacist or … They may not be safe for young children or for people who have certain health problems, so check the label first. Do … doctors do not recommend using antihistamines unless your symptoms are related to having allergies. Antihistamines and …
Health topics
… in Canada. About 15% of adults in Canada and the USA have chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease may … help improve: Physical fitness and physical function Some symptoms, such as depression, tiredness, and restless leg syndrome Quality of life How the brain works (cognition) …