3654 results found
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you have certain heart conditions, you may need to take … card. The card is signed by your doctor. Why not everyone should use antibiotics Antibiotics are useful in minimizing … card. The card is signed by your doctor. Why not everyone should use antibiotics Antibiotics are useful in minimizing …
Health topics
… Normal lung tissue next to the bullae can't expand as it should, reducing lung function. Chronic bronchitis affects … Normal lung tissue next to the bullae can't expand as it should, reducing lung function. Chronic bronchitis affects …
Health topics
… your meals need to be balanced. This means that each meal should contain: Carbohydrate. You get this from grains, … from: Fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds and flaxseed oil. These have omega-3 fatty acids. Olive, canola, and peanut oils; … oils. These have polyunsaturated fats. Your meals should contain tastes that you like and want. This also …
Health topics
… The fetus now has all the organs that a full term baby will have. The heart is functioning. Bones begin to form. 12 … all your baby’s organs will be formed and functioning. When should I announce my pregnancy? This is a personal decision. …
Health topics
… Your doctor may order a liver function panel if you have symptoms of liver disease. These symptoms include fever, … A Hepatitis A Virus Test Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Virus Tests Hepatitis C Hepatitis C Virus Tests Current as …
Health topics
… and chemicals. For example, high levels of nitrates have been found in wells throughout B.C. High nitrate levels … months and continue to breastfeed for two years or more. Have well water and other non-regulated water tested by a … to drink. For more information, see the HealthLink BC file Should I Get My Well Water Tested? Never give your baby well …
Health topics
… this time, you will: See your doctor on a regular basis. Have regular medical tests. These may include blood tests, such as chemistry … include imaging tests, such as a CT scan. Be told which symptoms to report to your doctor immediately. Why It Is …
Health topics
… Identifying Your Triggers Actionset Overview When you have asthma, certain things can make your symptoms worse. These things are called triggers. Things … from gas, oil, or kerosene heaters. Exercise. Many people have symptoms when they exercise. Dry, cold air. Medicines, …
Health topics
… The collarbone (clavicle) is one of the main bones of the shoulder joint . It holds the shoulder up and, along with … such as football, wrestling, or ice hockey. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of a broken collarbone include: Immediate … the skin. But it may push the skin out, causing it to have a tent-shaped look. A broken collarbone usually is not …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Is it safe for you to have sex? If you have an arrhythmia and your doctor says that it's okay for … know if it's safe to have sex. Tell your doctor if you have symptoms, like palpitations, when you have sex or when you …