3654 results found
Health topics
… children, including names, phone numbers and addresses. You should also know everyone who might be around your toddler … no" when it comes to someone touching their body If you have questions or suspect child abuse, contact a child … help you determine if there is cause for concern. You don’t have to provide your name. Anyone who has reason to believe …
Health topics
… medicine. This can be especially helpful to people who have TMDs caused by rheumatoid arthritis . Arthroscopy can … arthroscopy). Learn more Temporomandibular Disorder: Should I Have Surgery for Jaw Pain? How Well It Works … arthroscopy). Learn more Temporomandibular Disorder: Should I Have Surgery for Jaw Pain? How Well It Works …
Health topics
… precautions: Your child's over-the-counter medicine will have a "Drug Facts" label. On the label, you'll find … the dose to give, and how often to give the dose. Ibuprofen should not be given to children under 6 months of age … the dose to give, and how often to give the dose. Ibuprofen should not be given to children under 6 months of age …
Health topics
… look under a bed, or even tie your shoes. You will also have a better sense of balance and coordination. It's best … each stretch for at least 15 to 30 seconds, if you can. You should feel a stretch in the muscle, but not pain. Breathe … each stretch for at least 15 to 30 seconds, if you can. You should feel a stretch in the muscle, but not pain. Breathe …
Health topics
… mouth and eyes and feeling dizzy. If you are overweight, have health problems, take medicines, or use alcohol, you … children are at a higher risk for heat-related illness and should be extra cautious. Remind children to drink plenty of … children are at a higher risk for heat-related illness and should be extra cautious. Remind children to drink plenty of …
Health topics
… Overview Throughout your life you will have to make health decisions for yourself and your family. … the care they receive and the results they achieve. Why should you partner with your doctor to make decisions? … the care they receive and the results they achieve. Why should you partner with your doctor to make decisions? …
Health topics
… make sure that your child is growing and developing as they should. Your doctor can help you know what milestones to … is doing. Talk with your doctor about any concerns you have about your child's health, growth, or behaviour. Do … your child often that driving is a huge responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Feel pressured to have sex. …
Health topics
… leaves a scar that fades with time. After surgery, you will have a short hospital stay. Your neck will feel stiff or … on how well surgery helps people is not clear. When symptoms such as numbness or weakness in the arm suggest … you feel better faster. Small studies show that people may have improved symptoms, like better hand function, a few …
Health topics
… PTSD can help you and your family cope. Talk about your symptoms and what triggers them. Discuss different … your kids about PTSD: Be honest and listen to what they have to say. Tell them it's okay to ask questions. Ask them … treatment can help you feel better. It's okay if you don't have all the answers. Be as positive as you can. Your kids …
Health topics
… epinephrine shot Allergies: rush immunotherapy Allergies: should I take allergy shots? Allergies: should I take shots for insect sting allergies? Allergy …