3658 results found
Health topics
… frequent skin self-examinations . Finding out whether you have an increased risk for melanoma and other skin cancers. … eraser. Evolution : There is a change in the size, shape, symptoms (such as itching or tenderness), surface … for any area of skin that does not heal after an injury. Have your doctor check your skin during any other health …
Health topics
… Adding More Activity to Your Life Actionset Overview If you have decided to get more active, congratulations! Making … stretches gradually. Don't push or bounce the stretch. You should feel a stretch, not pain. Aerobic exercise like … stretches gradually. Don't push or bounce the stretch. You should feel a stretch, not pain. Aerobic exercise like …
Health topics
… such as the eyelid, ear, or nose. For skin cancers that have come back after surgery (recurrent). To relieve symptoms but not to cure the skin cancer (palliative … such as the eyelid, ear, or nose. For skin cancers that have come back after surgery (recurrent). To relieve …
Health topics
… perforatum ) is a plant that people in European countries have used for centuries as a medicine for problems like … John's wort to help with anxiety, depression, menopausal symptoms, or other conditions, such as seasonal affective … pharmacist before taking this supplement. St. John's wort shouldn't be taken while you're pregnant or breastfeeding. …
Health topics
… books, podcasts, and websites. You could find out about: Symptoms of the condition. Your child's treatment options … can help. Mental health laws. For example, parents usually have the right to look at their child's medical records. … phone. Taking Care of Yourself When You Have a Child With Physical, Emotional, or Behavioural …
Health topics
… other important body functions. Body clock sleep problems have been linked to a hormone called melatonin . This … Jet lag. Crossing time zones disrupts your body clock. You have sleep problems because your body clock has not adjusted … zones. The more time zones you cross, the worse it may be. Symptoms include not sleeping well, feeling sleepy during …
Health topics
Health topics
… Overview All children have sexual feelings. These feelings are a normal part of … that talking about sex may be awkward, but that your child should not ever be afraid to ask you questions. Discussing … that talking about sex may be awkward, but that your child should not ever be afraid to ask you questions. Discussing …
Health topics
… you take medicine too. How can you make changes? You might have to make a few changes to follow a heart-healthy diet. … people, some forms of physical activity might be unsafe or should only be started after talking with a doctor. If you … people, some forms of physical activity might be unsafe or should only be started after talking with a doctor. If you …
Health topics
… find out how well warfarin is working, you will get blood tests to measure how long it takes for your blood to clot. … find out how well warfarin is working, you will get blood tests to measure how long it takes for your blood to clot. …