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3658 results found
Health topics
… a tadpole with a tail. At 6 weeks of pregnancy, embryos have the beginnings of a brain, eyes, ears, heart, lungs, liver, and other organs. They have tiny bumps where their arms and legs will grow. By 8 weeks of pregnancy, embryos have webbed fingers and arms that bend at the elbow. Their …
Health topics
… damages the breathing tubes and lung tissue when you have COPD. Quitting smoking stops the ongoing damage caused … asthma attacks. People with asthma who quit smoking usually have fewer, shorter asthma attacks. More infections. People who smoke have more colds, influenza (flu), and pneumonia than people …
Health topics
… if there are no problems with your pregnancy. Women who have uncomplicated pregnancies can usually keep working or … or preterm labour . Talk with your doctor or midwife if you have to stand for more than 3 hours at a time, walk a lot, … at work or school. There are things you can do to help you have a healthy pregnancy. In general: Don't lift heavy …
Health topics
… see if there's delay in vision loss for people who already have it. Some studies have found that supplementing your diet with high levels of … (AMD). They may also help delay vision loss if you already have moderate or severe AMD. There is no evidence that the …
Health topics
… Swimming may be a good choice if you cannot walk easily. Have your vision and hearing checked each year or any time … you go outdoors, keep your hands free by using a cross-body shoulder bag, a fanny pack, or a backpack. Make sure your … you go outdoors, keep your hands free by using a cross-body shoulder bag, a fanny pack, or a backpack. Make sure your …
Health topics
… the first step toward making a change. What happens next? Have a reason. Set goals you can reach. Prepare for … want to eat a healthier diet so you can lose weight. If you have high blood pressure, your reason may be clear: to lower … reach larger goals over time. With smaller goals, you'll have success more often, which will help you stay with it. …
Health topics
… Diabetes: Planning for Pregnancy Actionset Overview If you have diabetes and are planning to become pregnant, meet with … sugar problems during pregnancy. For example, many women have low blood sugar in early pregnancy. Later in pregnancy, … pregnancy? It's important to talk to your doctor if you have diabetes and are planning to get pregnant. You may need …
Health topics
… side effects are not common. But all types of anesthesia have some risk. Your risk depends on your overall health. It … specialist will ask you about any health problems you have. You will discuss things that can raise your risk. … with you about the risks and benefits of anesthesia. If you have questions, be sure to ask. Some things can raise your …
Health topics
… cells in the lining of a duct or lobe of the breast haven't spread, they are said to be non-invasive , or "in … later in life. Other factors Some breast cancer cells have: Hormone receptors for estrogen and progesterone. Some … or progesterone (or both) to grow. These cancer cells have "receptors" on their surfaces. Receptors are like …
Health topics
… feel about your body (your body image) may change when you have cancer. It is common to feel angry, frustrated, or … nerve damage from surgery may affect a man's ability to have an erection. Also, the stress of being diagnosed with … a support group in your area. Talking with other people who have had similar feelings can be very helpful. For more …