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3658 results found
Health topics
… Emotions and Fears On this page: Overview Overview When you have cancer, you may have a lot of different feelings, like anger, sadness, and … from day to day, and even moment to moment. Most people who have cancer deal with feelings like this. Although it may be …
Health topics
… that spends regular time together, and that offers a safe haven as they grow. Make sure that your child feels safe . … skills and how to solve problems. They learn that actions have consequences, and that causes have effects. Offer a variety of things to play with, read, …
Health topics
… times with very high blood pressure. "I just was going to have to take some drastic steps," she recalls, "I was … she eats smaller portions. She has found that she doesn't have to have a large serving to feel satisfied. "Just to have a bite …
Health topics
… A pad to protect the bed is also helpful. Make sure you have a place to set the bedpan aside while you help with … If you can, place a bed pad under the bedpan for spills. Have the person you're caring for take down their pants and … 2, Help get the bedpan into position., To position the pan: Have the person sit up or lift up the hips slightly, and …
Health topics
… Exercise regularly, get proper rest and nutrition, and have regular medical checkups. And take time off to take … checkups. This includes dental checkups. Even if you have always been healthy, you need to stay healthy. Know … the person you are caring for but also in yourself. If you have feelings of lingering sadness or hopelessness, talk …
Health topics
… practice and playing basketball with them when they have basketball at school. Jaci's tips Ask Jaci what has … Having healthy snacks. "I find that really helps. I'll have an apple or almonds." Writing down everything she eats. … to Jaci's success? "Sticking with it. I know people who have lost 45 kilograms (100 pounds) in a year," she says. …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you haven't had a seizure in several years, you may ask your … against the risk that your seizures may return. You have a lower risk of having a seizure after you stop medicine if: You haven't had a seizure in 2 years or more. You have only one …
Health topics
… Pick a Sunday to take your first pill, so that you don't have periods on the weekends. During the first 7 days of … type of pack has 3 weeks of hormone pills. Some packs have sugar pills for the fourth week. During that fourth no-hormone week, you have your menstrual period. After the fourth week (28 days), …
Health topics
… (C-section). Most breech babies are healthy and don't have problems after birth. Your doctor may try to turn your … starts. If your baby's head stays down, you may be able to have a vaginal delivery. But a small number of babies move … the procedure is over. Why It Is Done You might choose to have your baby turned if you'd like to have a vaginal …
Health topics
… know how hard it is to quit smoking and that many smokers have to try several times before they succeed. Support can … help you? Before anybody can help you quit smoking, you have to ask for help. Many people are wary of helping. They … making good food choices. Avoiding triggers Smokers usually have triggers , which are things that make you want to …