3658 results found
Health topics
… There's a lot you can do to lower your stress when you have cancer. The key is to find one or two ways of coping … to suggest good sources for cancer information. They may have information for you or may recommend trustworthy websites. And many hospitals have medical libraries that are open to the public. A number …
Health topics
… to meet your new baby Last updated August 2, 2013 If you have other children at home, make sure they're ready to … Every child is a unique individual and siblings will have different reactions, depending on their ages and … the new addition: Introduce the idea that families often have more than one child. Take your child to a playgroup. …
Health topics
… Others may feel a tingling sensation. And some may have a very strong sensation or discomfort. Other signs of … thirst and relaxation. For some, let-down is slow. If you have slow let-down, try these tips: Find a private, quiet place if you are uncomfortable Sit or lie comfortably Have a drink handy (non alcoholic) Massage your breasts or …
Health topics
… and diseases occur in people whose immune systems have been weakened by a disease such as HIV infection. … Opportunistic infections that are common in people who have AIDS include pneumonia, tuberculosis, and toxoplasmosis . People who have AIDS are also more likely to develop cancers such as …
Health topics
… Avoid the temptation to control the person. Trust that they have developed their own high values, ideals, and standards. … happen for many different reasons. Many people who have an eating disorder come from families in which other members have eating disorders or have other conditions such as …
Health topics
… drugs. "I can lean on my friends and family." It's good to have support from people you're close to, but some issues … need extra help. When you get mental health care, you have regular visits with a trained health professional like … privacy seriously. But they must let others know if you have plans to hurt yourself or someone else, or if someone …
Health topics
… of a hospital cheering up sick children. Some hospitals now have humour carts that provide funny materials for people of any age. Many nurses have learned the value of providing a good laugh to those they care for. Scientists have been researching the relation between the mind and the …
Health topics
… your doctor about how long you can use your IUD. Once you have an IUD, you don't have to do anything else to prevent pregnancy. The IUD … than 1 out of 100 people who use an IUD as directed will have an unplanned pregnancy. Most pregnancies that occur …
Health topics
… eat a few foods, then abruptly refuse them. Toddlers also have rapidly changing appetites. Although toddlers grow … Children tend to accept new foods gradually, and you may have to introduce a food many times before your child … keep less nutritious foods (for example, those that have large amounts of fats or sugar) in the house. If you …
Health topics
… need to be done or that aren't important to you. After you have your list and have rated the items, think about how you are spending your … you take care of important tasks in a timely way, you won't have as many urgent tasks to worry about. For example, if …