3658 results found
Health topics
… and improve sleep. It is sometimes used to help people who have pain or discomfort from cancer or other diseases. The … cancer or any other disease. How Well It Works No studies have proved that therapeutic touch works for treating any … anxiety. Some people who receive therapeutic touch say they have a refreshed spirit, heal faster, and feel better. There …
Health topics
… may bring grief, guilt and despair. You may feel empty and have problems being around pregnant women and mothers with … If your baby is stillborn, or dies near birth, you will have the opportunity to see and hold your baby. If you feel … the public health nurse, local crisis centre and others who have been in similar situations can help. Losing a baby will …
Health topics
… and pneumococcal disease are recommended for people who have diabetes. And people who have high blood sugar from diabetes are more likely to be … bacteria or fungi. Foot infections are common in people who have high blood sugar from diabetes. Nerve damage …
Health topics
… Bilingualism. Children raised in bilingual homes may have a slight delay in beginning to speak. They also may mix … both well. Children who grow up in bilingual homes do not have more difficulty in learning to talk, read, and write … Bilingualism. Children raised in bilingual homes may have a slight delay in beginning to speak. They also may mix …
Health topics
… breastfeed, so I probably won't be able to either. I have small breasts and won’t produce enough milk. I'm afraid … too insecure about my body and my breasts to breastfeed. I have experienced abuse and am not sure I'll be comfortable … anywhere at any time and best of all , it's free! If you have concerns, talk to your healthcare provider, a public …
Health topics
… support. An important part of recovery is being sure you have support. You may: Continue with counselling or group … recovery for a long time and helps you stay substance-free. Have a healthy lifestyle. Exercise and be active. This is … awareness about your life. Find things to do. If you have something worthwhile to do, you may be less likely to …
Health topics
… on the head often bleed heavily because the face and scalp have many blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. … is necessary If a cut from a head injury is deep enough to have penetrated the skull, emergency treatment is needed. … another person's wound, put on disposable gloves, if you have them, before applying pressure to the wound. If gloves …
Health topics
… may make the surgery and recovery easier for people who have trouble keeping their head in the proper position. How … Vitrectomy can greatly improve vision in many people who have severe bleeding in the eye that has not cleared on its own. This surgery may restore some vision in people who have traction retinal detachment. It may also help keep the …
Health topics
… from spoiling as fast. Some countries, including Canada, have rules that govern when a farmer or rancher may use the … . What do you need to know about organic food? Many people have these questions about organic food. Is organic food safer? Foods with the organic label have less pesticide residue than most non-organic foods. …
Health topics
… Information Sarah's Story More good days. It's possible to have them, even with COPD, says Sarah, who found out 3 years … my nose," she says. "I can talk about how mad I am that I have this disease. And it helps me to hear how other people … days she's breathing a little easier too. "Every time I have a good day, it makes me want to keep trying. There are …