3658 results found
Health topics
… or places. Talk, write, or draw about death and violence. Have unexplained mood changes or behave in an aggressive or violent way. Buy or talk about … justified. Drink alcohol or use illegal drugs more often. Have increased fears of other people (paranoia). Say that he …
Health topics
… March 1, 2017 Flexibility is the amount of movement you have around a joint, like your knee or hip. Being flexible helps you have safe and healthy joints and muscles. Since not all … your joints movable and reduces your risk of injury. If you have reduced flexibility, everyday movements can be …
Health topics
… Overview Overview In females: Most have had their first menstrual period by age 15. And most have completed the rapid growth spurt that usually occurs … of puberty, such as the growth of pubic hair and breasts, have also occurred. Breast development is usually complete …
Health topics
… in a body with an empty stomach. Body size Larger bodies have more water than smaller bodies to dilute alcohol. This means that a smaller body will have a higher BAC than a larger body consuming the same … from lesser amounts of alcohol. Some reasons a woman will have a higher BAC than a man after drinking the same amount …
Health topics
… Not all cancer treatments cause hair loss, and some people have only mild thinning that is noticeable only to them. … you will lose some or all of the hair on your head if you have radiation for a brain tumour. Or you will lose the hair … and a soft hair brush. Try to air-dry your hair. If you have to use a hair dryer, use the low-heat setting. Consider …
Health topics
… read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or … All medicines can cause side effects. Many people don't have side effects. And minor side effects sometimes go away … that came with the medicine you're using. If you have questions, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are …
Health topics
… firm. They can be bent into different positions (outward to have sex and back toward the body to conceal under … are two-piece and three-piece inflatable implants. Both have two cylinders in the shaft of the penis and a pump in … to strenuous physical activity after about a month and have sex after 6 to 8 weeks. Inflatable implants usually …
Health topics
… in their family. Not everyone has these signs. They may have others. For example, they may seem hopeless or … this way. Accept that their feelings are real. Ask if they have a plan. It may be hard to do, but it's important to … answers can help you decide what to do next. Ask if they have set a date or chosen a location. Do they have any …
Health topics
… to learn and easy to do. It's best to start there if you have never done yoga before. The other pose—the reclining … your doctor says it is okay. If you have knee, hip, or shoulder problems, don't do this pose. Or you can talk to a … your doctor says it is okay. If you have knee, hip, or shoulder problems, don't do this pose. Or you can talk to a …
Health topics
… is hard to figure out exactly what you are feeling. You may have several feelings at the same time or conflicting … Write about everyday occurrences or conversations you have had. Write what you feel. Don't screen your thoughts; … may arise. Write about simple pleasures and joys you have experienced, too. If you have concerns about your …