3658 results found
Health topics
… spouse, your children, your doctor—wants you to. You have to want it. If you've started a healthy eating plan but … can figure out how to work around those barriers. If you haven't started a healthy eating plan yet, it may be helpful … take on too much too fast? That's a reason why some people have trouble making a lifestyle change. Remember to make …
Health topics
… of her workouts as much as the actual exercise. "I just have fun meeting people. I still meet people all the time." … every day wouldn't work. So she tried 8 a.m. instead. "I have a set time that I do it, every single day. We get up, … done." Meeting barriers head-on Even though her workouts have become a habit, Kris still has days when she just …
Health topics
… and play. Children who don't get enough sleep over time can have behaviour problems and trouble learning. They may … or other sleep problems more likely. Most children who have night terrors or confusional arousals don't want … probably fall back asleep. These tips can help when you have a child who sleepwalks. Don't try to wake up your child …
Health topics
… problem. Cardiac arrest can run in families. People who have a family history of sudden cardiac death have a higher risk for sudden cardiac death. footnote 1 Some … another one. How can you prevent cardiac arrest? If you have a health problem that raises your risk of cardiac …
Health topics
… (implantable cardioverter-defibrillators). Cardiac devices have very advanced features. Your doctor can program your … or if the ICD gave you any therapy (like a shock). If you have had a shock, your doctor will make sure that it was … to the doctor's office or clinic every time you need to have your device checked. Your doctor will give you …
Health topics
… something you enjoy. Drinking coffee. Change the way you have coffee: the place, the coffee mug, everything that you … did when you were smoking. Wait until you are at work to have your morning coffee. Talking on the phone. Hold the … Quitting smoking may impact your social life. You don't have to skip parties altogether, but if you do go, don't go …
Health topics
… page: Get started Get started Making healthy meals doesn't have to take a lot of time or require complicated recipes. … with a long shelf life is helpful for those nights when you haven't had time to go to the grocery store. Some basic ingredients to have are: Frozen chicken breasts and fish fillets. Frozen …
Health topics
… run/walk in your community. If the event is for charity, have your family walk through your neighbourhood to collect … up trash at a local park. Indoor and rainy-day activities Have a family dance night . Share dances from each … a new dance or exercise routine to a favourite song . Have a different child choose the song each week. Go to the …
Health topics
… problems, or problems with thinking or memory, you may have to provide extra help with eating and getting enough … each other if you can. You may want to play soft music or have your phone or the TV turned off. Try to create a … a good appetite The person you're caring for may have a low appetite or need some encouragement to eat …
Health topics
… Look for organizations you're interested in that have needs you can help with. For example, animal shelters … find what they need. Consider a meet-up group. Many cities have meet-up groups organized around activities, interests, … negative thinking. When you feel lonely, it's common to have negative thoughts and emotions. But if negative …