3658 results found
Health topics
… a video to help you learn about breastfeeding positions. We have a useful article with descriptions of some common …
Health topics
… turned head-down before labour starts, you may be able to have a vaginal birth. You also can ask your doctor if you … success. But most breech babies are healthy and don't have problems after birth. Talk to your doctor if you're … and delivery is unique. Even though you and your doctor have a birth plan for labour and delivery, plans can change. …
Health topics
… stress-relief methods as soon as your headache starts. Have a massage to relax tense muscles in your head, neck, … temples or on the tight muscles in your head, neck, and shoulders may help relieve headache pain. footnote 3 … temples or on the tight muscles in your head, neck, and shoulders may help relieve headache pain. footnote 3 …
Health topics
… sausage, and desserts may taste good to you, but they can have a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol. Eating too much … or cream sauce All vegetables and fruits that do not have added fat Whole grain foods Breads in which eggs, fat, … Regular ground beef, fatty or highly marbled cuts; spare ribs; organ meat; poultry with skin; fried meat or seafood; …
Health topics
… Here are some tips: Wash your hands and get comfortable. Have a clean cup, bowl or jar ready to catch the milk. … massage your breast in a circular motion, working from shoulder to nipple. To start the let down reflex, roll your … few minutes. Hand expression with a preterm baby If you have a preterm baby, using hand expression and a breast pump …
Health topics
… it can drain out. Don't drain a blister of any size if: You have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart … drained blister. If a blister has torn open, or after you have drained a blister: Carefully smooth the flap over the … it can drain out. Don't drain a blister of any size if: You have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart …
Health topics
… Some liquid medicines taste or smell bad. Or they may have a strange texture. And when a child doesn't feel well, … medicine with food, be sure your child eats all the food. Have a cup of water, milk, or juice nearby to quickly wash … Some liquid medicines taste or smell bad. Or they may have a strange texture. And when a child doesn't feel well, …
Health topics
… of healthier eating. For example: maybe you want to have more energy to do things you enjoy. Or maybe you want … feel different about yourself and your life? Maybe you'd have more energy or feel a little more confident. Or maybe … of healthier eating. For example: maybe you want to have more energy to do things you enjoy. Or maybe you want …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you have one or more children at home, your pregnancy simply … weeks ahead of time. Explain that after the birth, you will have to spend a lot of time with the baby, and that your … . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview If you have one or more children at home, your pregnancy simply …
Health topics
… out if there is a problem, and if so, how to fix it. If you have the baby blues for more than a few days, call your … out if there is a problem, and if so, how to fix it. If you have the baby blues for more than a few days, call your …