3658 results found
Health topics
… Blisters On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment Check Your … itchy skin. If the blisters aren't severe and you don't have other symptoms, stopping the use of the medicine or … reaction to a medicine. One example is Stevens-Johnson syndrome . Blisters that occur with other signs of illness, …
Health topics
… doctor is able to see your organs with the scope. If you have a cystectomy, your doctor will create a new way to pass … your skin. A continent reservoir. It uses a piece of your bowel to create a storage pouch that is attached inside your … to pass urine more often at first. But later your bladder should adjust so it can hold more urine. If all of your …
Health topics
… flashes of light or zigzag lines may occur with other symptoms. If you have had floaters before, or if flashes of light are part of … in parts of the eye, such as macular degeneration . Dry eye syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis sicca), which occurs when the …
Health topics
… what decision is right for you? For some, the choice to have an abortion is clear. For others, it's more … are in your pregnancy, the more options you are likely to have. Before 10 weeks, you may have a choice of taking … information about what to expect after an abortion. Normal symptoms that most often occur include: Irregular bleeding …
Health topics
… or is in a daycare setting with other children who have viral illnesses. Most rashes caused by viruses aren't … rash may be caused by a rare condition called toxic shock syndrome . A very rare and serious type of generalized red … and very warm running water. If your child has a rash, they should not be in contact with other children or anyone who …
Health topics
… health professional for the first time. Although you may have to complete a similar form when you arrive at the … about getting a test or starting treatment? What signs and symptoms should I watch for? When should I call to report signs and …
Health topics
… Grieving On this page: Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Treatment … or sleeping. You may withdraw from friends and family or behave in ways that are unusual for you. Grief may cause you … than age 2 may refuse to talk. And they may be generally irritable. Children between the ages of 2 and 5 may develop …
Health topics
… to these antibiotics. Many people who believe that they have an allergy to penicillin don't have it. They may have a side effect, rather than an allergic reaction. Tests can show if you have a penicillin allergy. What puts … penicillin in the past. If any of these apply to you, you should receive another antibiotic or have desensitization …
Health topics
… of the arteries. What are the symptoms? Many people have no symptoms. In some people, a doctor can hear a sound … flows through your carotid arteries. You may have other tests such as a CT angiogram or a magnetic resonance … are important to many health problems. Stroke Prevention: Should I Have a Carotid Artery Procedure? Related …
Health topics
… Information Overview Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) do not ovulate regularly. They often have trouble getting pregnant. The medicine letrozole is … ovulation, overweight women with polycystic ovary syndrome should try to lower their body mass index (BMI) with diet …