3551 results found
Health topics
… you try adding formula. In the meantime, it's best to keep breastfeeding. The most common reason that parents give … If you supplement, offer it after your baby breastfeeds. Keep breastfeeding until you get advice If you're thinking about supplementing, keep breastfeeding until you can speak to your healthcare …
Health topics
… turn off entertainment programs and games during homework. Keep all devices in public places , like the kitchen or family room. This will help you keep track of which apps and programs your child uses and … exciting video games or shows can keep children awake. Try having a basket or bin away from bedrooms where kids can put …
Health topics
… . If you already have lymphedema, you can take steps to keep it from getting worse. Learn how to recognize infection … swelling of the chest area where the breast was removed. Keep lymph fluid moving Do all you can to help keep the lymph fluid moving so that it doesn't collect in …
Health topics
… bedtime, watching TV or using your phone in bed, and not keeping a regular schedule for bedtime and waking up. Sleep … daytime sleepiness When a sleep problem or lack of time keeps you from getting a good night's sleep, excessive … penis, or vagina) you now have in the area where you are having symptoms. If your symptoms aren’t related to those …
Health topics
… about some small changes you can make. Pick ones you can keep doing. Don't try to change everything at once. Set an easy goal you can reach, like having a salad and a piece of fruit each day. Make a … they're full. But adults may ignore these signals. They may keep eating after they're full, or they may eat because …
Health topics
… triggers? You can find out what your triggers are by keeping a headache diary and trying to follow a routine … you find your triggers, you can take steps to avoid them. Keep to a daily routine Doing the same things every day and … and get a migraine, then you may have found a trigger. To keep a routine, try to: Get regular exercise. If you do have …
Health topics
… it with care at home. How do you take care of your skin? Keep your skin hydrated Gentle skin care can help improve … skin. Regular use of moisturizers can reduce the itching, keep your rash from getting worse, and help it heal. Also, … mean that you'll need less medicine. Here are some tips for keeping your skin hydrated. Find a moisturizer that you like …
Health topics
… it is a way to check how much fat is on your belly. Having extra belly fat increases your risk of health … tell you how much to eat. Set point. Your body may try to keep your weight within a specific range, or set point. Fat … from the food you eat is measured in calories. This energy keeps your heart beating, your brain active, and your …
Health topics
… daily life so that you start eating healthy every day—and keep eating healthy every day. If you're having problems staying with your plan, don't worry. You're … you've started a healthy eating plan but are having trouble keeping it going, it may help to figure out what's getting …
Health topics
… can slow down the progression of heart failure. It may help keep you out of the hospital and help you live longer. If … You can't feel the pulses. There can be problems from having a pacemaker placed in your chest. The wires (called … allow you to wear clothing with a lower neckline and still keep the scar covered. The doctor puts the leads in a vein …