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Health topics
… in drains or jets. And body parts can get trapped. Consider keeping hot tubs and spas off-limits to young children. Talk … sound anytime the door is opened unexpectedly. Always keep the pool area secure to prevent drowning. Install a … motor-powered device that acts as a barrier over the water. Keep rescue equipment by the pool. This includes a life ring …
Health topics
… other surfaces (friction). Not getting enough nutrition to keep your body working well (malnutrition). Not being able to get out of bed or walk around (immobility). Having a disease that affects how well blood circulates in … focuses on helping the pressure injury heal. This involves keeping pressure off the area. Injuries with unbroken skin …
Health topics
… like high blood pressure or diabetes, then your chances of having those problems increase. But just because your risk … less efficient with age. The kidneys are less able to keep enough water in your body. And the heart can start to … you can do for your health at any age. Physical activity keeps your body strong, and it helps with how you feel. It …
Health topics
… Overview Travel can make it hard to keep your blood sugar within your target range because of … to last for 2 weeks more than the length of your trip. To keep your blood sugar at your usual level, try to eat and … you are travelling by car: Have snacks and drinks with you. Keep sugar-free drinks and drinks with sugar in an ice …
Health topics
… Overview Checking a person's feet and keeping them clean and soft can help prevent cracks and … This is especially important for people who have diabetes. Keeping toenails trimmed—and polished if that's what the … do basic nail care at home. Usually all you need to do is keep the nails clean and at a safe length. Trimming toenails …
Health topics
… when you're in the hospital. As an active patient, you can keep careful track of the medicines you're getting and help … taking. Make several copies of the list to take with you. Keep one copy next to your bed in the hospital. If you're … seem right to you, ask questions. Keeping Track of Medicines Navigating Your Hospital Stay …
Health topics
… It sends mild electrical signals to your heart. This keeps the heart beating normally. These signals are … connected to the heart by wires. If you are worried about having a pacemaker, it may help if you learn about how the … devices have a strong electromagnetic field. This field can keep your pacemaker from working right for a short time. …
Health topics
… breast correctly is important for successful breastfeeding. Having your baby skin-to-skin with you is the ideal way to … with a hand to make it easier for the baby to latch - keeping fingers well back from the areola (the coloured part … body to face you (tummy to tummy). Support your breast but keep your fingers well back from the areola (coloured part …
Health topics
… you visit your doctor. Let your doctor know if you are having problems with your medicine schedule or if you have … your medicines properly, you may want to have a system to keep track of when and how you take your pills. Make a list of all your medicines and keep it up to date. At every visit with your doctor, review …
Health topics
… cord care. Basic care of your baby's umbilical cord is keeping it clean and dry. To keep the cord dry, give your baby a sponge bath instead of … skin at the base of the cord. Signs of dehydration, such as having no wet diapers for 6 hours. Not having regular bowel …