3551 results found
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… least a few weeks to help restore the use of the hand and keep symptoms from coming back. The splint supports your … a needle to separate the tight cords. You may be able to keep the use of your hand and fingers without surgery. … or with needle aponeurotomy. Personal stories about having surgery for Dupuytren's disease These stories are …
Health topics
… to have one of these procedures if pain or other symptoms keep you from doing your daily activities. FAQs What is … reaction. Kidney damage. Why might your doctor recommend having a procedure? The worse your disease, the more likely … in my legs. So I think I'll go ahead with it so that I can keep doing the things I enjoy. Julio, age 68 I've known for …
Health topics
… four tendons and muscles in the shoulder. The rotator cuff keeps your shoulder stable and allows you to raise and twist … by muscles, tendons, and ligaments . The rotator cuff helps keep the arm bone in the socket of the shoulder blade. What … carry objects. You avoid the risks of surgery. You avoid having surgery that you don't need if rest and physiotherapy …
Health topics
… do, such as work or school. Feeling tired in the morning. Having trouble concentrating. Waking up with a headache. … positive airway pressure (CPAP). This uses a machine to keep your airway open while you sleep. Oral breathing … types of devices that you wear while you sleep to help keep your airway open. Surgery to open your airway. Your …
Health topics
… over time, he or she won't need surgery. If your child keeps having infections that are getting in the way of daily life, … have fewer throat infections. In some cases when a child keeps getting strep throat infections, especially if the …
Health topics
… medicine does not relieve your pain. Exercise. It can help keep your muscles strong and your joints moving well. … and natural health products that I've been taking seem to keep my pain under control. As long as I can find relief … not to have surgery I'm comfortable with the idea of having surgery. I just don't like the idea of having …
Health topics
… your symptoms, you may want to have surgery or a procedure. Having surgery or a procedure is a better choice if you care … that are used to close or remove larger varicose veins and keep them from coming back seem to work about the same. … stockings . You prop up your legs on a chair or a pillow to keep blood from pooling. You get regular exercise to improve …
Health topics
… a stronger prescription medicine. Exercise. It can help keep your muscles strong and your joints moving well. Ice or … You have lost a large amount of cartilage. Your hip pain is keeping you from being active enough to keep up your … on this decision. Show which way you are leaning right now. Having surgery NOT having surgery Leaning toward Undecided …
Health topics
… have lost a large amount of cartilage. Your knee pain is keeping you from being active enough to keep up your strength, flexibility, balance, or endurance. … Your knee won't bend as far as it did before you started having knee problems. You may need to avoid activities that …
Health topics
… surgery if the prolapse is causing pain, if you are having problems with your bladder and bowels, or if the … prolapsed organ and strengthens the wall of the vagina to keep the prolapse from coming back. During restorative … It's not the greatest solution but I think I'd like to keep on the way I have for a while longer. Surgery is still …