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Health topics
… Information Getting Started It's easy to get off track with your plans for healthy eating. But you can think of healthy … habits are your biggest challenge? What makes them hard? Learning from past challenges. What can you learn from your … you'd like to find a new healthy recipe online. Or try keeping healthy snacks handy. Taking the next step. Write …
Health topics
… Eyes and Vision Learning Center Learn about eye and vision health You rely … you're driving a car or walking, you need clear vision to keep you and those around you safe. And it can be scary when … Topics Medical Tests Make a Wise Decision Take Action Open/close information section Health Topics Age-Related …
Health topics
… care of their own needs as appropriate. For example, allow your child to work on getting dressed with elastic pants and … Praise efforts rather than outcomes. Avoid criticism and keep your expectations realistic. Independence sometimes can … Praise efforts rather than outcomes. Avoid criticism and keep your expectations realistic. Independence sometimes can …
Health topics
… Gestational Diabetes: Giving Yourself Insulin Shots Actionset Overview If you have gestational diabetes and you have not been able to keep your blood sugar levels within a target range , you may … Dry them thoroughly. Gather your supplies. Most people keep their supplies in a bag or kit so they can carry the …
Health topics
… or as an ingredient. You can start reducing the sodium in your diet by: Reading labels to see how much sodium foods … as those you add to hamburger or noodles. If you'd like, keep a sodium record . It can show you how much sodium you … how to find sodium . This includes finding hidden sodium, keeping track of milligrams of sodium, and understanding …
Health topics
… be done later as a separate procedure. What to expect After your surgery, you will be taken to a recovery room. A nurse … also have one or two drainage tubes to collect fluid and keep it from building up around the surgery area. If these … while you are still in the hospital. These should help keep your shoulder from getting stiff. You will need to …
Health topics
… Overview In the treatment of glaucoma , your eye doctor will try to keep your eye pressure ( intraocular pressure, or IOP ) from … In the treatment of glaucoma , your eye doctor will try to keep your eye pressure ( intraocular pressure, or IOP ) from …
Health topics
… to urinate. This usually happens because something gets in your way or you aren't able to walk there on your own. … you urinate. There might be a problem with reasoning that keeps you from realizing that you need to urinate or from … you urinate. There might be a problem with reasoning that keeps you from realizing that you need to urinate or from …
Health topics
… The program should help you get past common problems in keeping the weight off. This help could include things like … system. What can you eat? The program should consider your food likes and dislikes and your lifestyle. What type … The program should help you get past common problems in keeping the weight off. This help could include things like …
Health topics
… hospital stay or general anesthesia . You may need to limit your activity for a couple of weeks after treatment. In … to freeze and seal the retina around the tear. Both methods keep fluid in the middle of the eye from passing through the … to freeze and seal the retina around the tear. Both methods keep fluid in the middle of the eye from passing through the …