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Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your child has epilepsy , there are many ways to lower his … may have to take medicine during school hours. If you can, keep a supply of medicine with the school nurse and another … may have to take medicine during school hours. If you can, keep a supply of medicine with the school nurse and another …
Health topics
… common during the first 6 months of breastfeeding. You can keep nursing your baby. In fact, breastfeeding usually helps to clear up … common during the first 6 months of breastfeeding. You can keep nursing your baby. In fact, breastfeeding usually helps …
Health topics
… such as high cholesterol. A dietitian can evaluate your diet and create a plan and detailed menu to work with … new diet gradually. The dietitian can also teach you how to keep track of the amount of saturated fat and calories in … new diet gradually. The dietitian can also teach you how to keep track of the amount of saturated fat and calories in …
Health topics
… you can do to help prevent iron toxicity. In children Keep iron pills and all medicines out of the reach of … often attract children because they look like candy. If your child is taking iron pills, follow your doctor's … you can do to help prevent iron toxicity. In children Keep iron pills and all medicines out of the reach of …
Health topics
… neuroma is a swollen or thickened nerve in the ball of your foot. This can happen when your toes are squeezed … special pads or devices that spread the toes. This can help keep them from squeezing the nerve. In some cases, you may … special pads or devices that spread the toes. This can help keep them from squeezing the nerve. In some cases, you may …
Health topics
… pass out when you have an alcohol blackout. But you do lose your memories of the event. Injuries and illnesses you can't … Have redness on your face, especially your nose and cheeks. Keep getting infections and skin sores (abscesses). Have … Have redness on your face, especially your nose and cheeks. Keep getting infections and skin sores (abscesses). Have …
Health topics
… thrust (or Heimlich-type) assist, another person pushes on your belly to help you cough. This is done while you are … hand on top of the first hand and interlock their fingers, keeping their elbows straight. You take a deep breath and … hand on top of the first hand and interlock their fingers, keeping their elbows straight. You take a deep breath and …
Health topics
… This is a band of tissue that runs down the outside of your thigh. It connects the side of your hip to the side of your knee. It helps keep your knee and hip stable and in their normal position. … the side of your hip to the side of your knee. It helps keep your knee and hip stable and in their normal position. …
Health topics
… get more nicotine out of each cigarette. It may be hard to keep a reduced rate of smoking over time. Cutting back on … cigarettes to give up. For example, stop smoking in your car on the way to work, or stop having cigarettes with … get more nicotine out of each cigarette. It may be hard to keep a reduced rate of smoking over time. Cutting back on …
Health topics
… burps. A clean face cloth, cloth diaper, or bib can help keep you and the baby clean during burping. To burp a baby: … the baby in an upright position. Try placing the baby over your shoulder or in a sitting position on your lap. If you … burps. A clean face cloth, cloth diaper, or bib can help keep you and the baby clean during burping. To burp a baby: …