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1123 results found
Health topics
… arthritis Juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Range-of-motion exercises Juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Stretching and strengthening exercises Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition … in the hip, spine, wrist, and shoulder. Weight-bearing exercises and a balanced diet can help prevent osteoporosis …
Health topics
… adapt before moving onto anything more difficult. Only do exercises every second day so your muscles have time to … yourself, don’t do activities on the floor. Only do floor exercises when someone is around to help you. If you feel …
Health topics
… means using things like weights, rubber tubing, or certain exercises to make your muscles stronger. It's a 3-step … muscle fitness can include: Basic muscle-conditioning exercises such as push-ups, leg lifts , and other common exercises. Resistance training with rubber tubing or …
Health topics
… and E levation. You may also need pain medicines and rehab exercises. In more serious cases, surgery may be needed. … start rehab right away. Your doctor will recommend specific exercises, depending on your level of pain. A combination of stretching, strength, and balance exercises may help the ankle heal totally and may prevent …
Health topics
… was really good about getting me to do some strengthening exercises for the lower abs and lower back," Robert, now 45, … me do before. Plus I'd do some stretches and some of the exercises that he had given me," Robert says. "I did a … to make exercise a daily habit. His goal is to do his exercises every morning before breakfast and to take a …
Health topics
… person, trying different positions, or using breathing exercises may help you cope with labour pain. You also can … the physical demands of labour and delivery. Try adding Kegel exercises to your daily routine. They strengthen your … the physical demands of labour and delivery. Try adding Kegel exercises to your daily routine. They strengthen your …