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Health topics
… increases the risk for complications, such as blindness and kidney failure. For both diseases, treatment focuses on keeping … and less insulin. This is called insulin deficiency. Age when it starts: Symptoms usually start in childhood or young …
Health topics
… because they can cause severe bleeding. These viruses started in Africa, and that is where most cases of the … Infections have occurred in other parts of the world when people with the disease travelled there. For the most … who may be sick with Ebola or Marburg virus infection. When should you call a doctor? If you have symptoms of the …
Health topics
… cases, having a fever means that you have a minor illness. When you have a fever, your other symptoms will help you … country can expose you to other diseases. Fevers that start after travel in other countries need to be checked by … need to urinate without being able to pass much urine Kidney infection : Pain in the flank, which is either side …
Health topics
… The disease sometimes is called flesh-eating bacteria. When it occurs on the genitals, it is called Fournier … health problems such as diabetes, cancer, or liver or kidney disease. Have cuts in your skin, including surgical … called gangrene.) Necrotizing fasciitis can lead to organ failure and death. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will …
Health topics
… Cycle Managing Menstrual Cycle Symptoms and Bleeding When to Call a Doctor Overview The … About once a month, the lining of the uterus (endometrium) starts to thicken. Then an ovary releases an egg. If the egg … longer or that change a lot. If you are a teen, your cycles should even out with time. If you are nearing menopause, …
Health topics
… and staying at a healthy weight. What increases your risk? When you have diabetes, your risk for heart attack and … and raise your risk for having a heart attack or stroke. Kidney damage . It shares many of the risk factors for heart … mind. Then think heart-healthy, and make changes if needed. Start with carbs. Try to eat about the same amount of …
Health topics
… any activity might make it easier to see the connections. When should you test your blood sugar? Some people who have … down below the waist. Count to 5. Then squeeze the finger starting close to the hand and moving outward to the end of …
Health topics
… to more serious. Sometimes, minor and serious problems can start with the same symptoms. Many urinary problems and … symptoms of a urinary problem include: A burning feeling when you urinate ( dysuria ). This is the most common … women get bladder infections sometime during their lives. Kidney infections . They are less common and more serious …
Health topics
… increases the risk of heart disease and stroke as well as kidney failure, and leg and foot amputation. Prediabetes refers to … to be used with a health care provider. Being Active When You Have Prediabetes (Exercise is Medicine, USA) This …
Health topics
… How to use a ring Talk to your doctor about what day to start using a vaginal hormonal ring . Usually, a ring is … vaginal ring is a highly effective method of birth control when it is used exactly as directed. The ring failure rate is the same as that of birth control pills. …