3192 results found
Health topics
… and other symptoms. Kidney stones can cause long-term damage to the urinary tract if they keep growing or if they … had a kidney transplant, and your doctor worries about damage from a stone. Compare your options Compare Compare … you have had a kidney transplant, your kidney could be damaged by passing the stone. If you have only one kidney, …
Health topics
… CPAP. Or you might have surgery to improve an airway blockage so that you can tolerate CPAP better. … almost always cures sleep apnea that is caused by blockage of the upper airway. But other treatments work almost as … Radiofrequency ablation for sleep apnea can cause: Damage to tissue near the area being treated. Infection. …
Health topics
… the belly. Laparoscopic hernia surgery may have some advantages over open surgery in certain cases. It can take up to 4 … to the anesthesia. Infection and bleeding. Nerve damage, numb skin, or a loss of blood supply to the scrotum or … cause the testicles to waste away. But these are rare. Damage to the cord that carries sperm from the testicles to the …
Health topics
… Weight Management: Should I Use Over-the-Counter Diet Aids? Decision … so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Weight Management: Should I Use Over-the-Counter Diet Aids? 1 Get the … diet aid. For more information, go to Health Canada's webpage on the safe use of weight-loss products at …
Health topics
… counselling to learn how to stop this behaviour. Jesse, age 41 I like to have things in my home and office in place … these worries through professional counselling only. Kyle, age 28 I worry all the time about my grades at school and … medicines that can help me control these urges. Jasmine, age 17 I spend most of my day reorganizing cupboards and …
Health topics
… Don't take medicine. Instead, try watchful waiting and manage your symptoms at home. Urinary symptoms include needing … an enlarged prostate . It happens to almost all men as they age. It is not cancer. An enlarged prostate is usually … recommend taking medicine for BPH if: You have tried to manage your symptoms through watchful waiting, but they still …
Health topics
… Spinal Fusion for Scoliosis On this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well … work. Other factors considered before surgery include: Age, skeletal age, and status of puberty. Location of the curve. Surgery …
Health topics
… from spreading. When your menstrual periods stop at around age 50 (menopause) and your estrogen levels drop, … surgery, you have the risk of infection, bleeding, and damage to your bladder or bowels. You could have side effects … time, unlike other hormone therapies like Lupron. Maria, age 45 I first noticed that my periods were becoming painful …
Health topics
… sleep is an essential component of healthy living. On this page: Regular day routines Regular bedtime routines Toddler … Toddlers need different amounts of sleep at various ages. Most - but not all - toddlers follow this pattern: At …
Health topics
… adenoids can help air and fluid move through the nasal passages more easily and prevent future fluid buildup. In rare … surgery: Can help air and fluid move through the nasal passages more easily and prevent future fluid buildup in the … . Possible risks of ear tube placement include: A blockage in the tube, which can cause fluid to build up again and …