3982 results found
Health topics
… Control pet dander Groom pets often to reduce dander. Keep your pet outside of the house or at least out of your bedroom. Keep your pet in areas of the home that have hard floors that are …
Health topics
… loud clicking sounds, so you will get earplugs to protect your hearing. Your doctor will place the device against your head. You will get a few test pulses, and your doctor …
Health topics
… See if any of these ideas are helpful. Check to see if your pain is under control. Pain that isn't managed can make … of treatment or just after treatment is finished. Manage your energy. Notice what time of day you have the most … things that are less important for when you have help. Pace yourself. Plan important activities for times when you have …
Health topics
… Overview The program you choose for your teen needs to view substance use as a primary disease and not as a symptom. Your teen needs to have a complete evaluation to determine … mental health or medical conditions. If you need to place your teen in a treatment program, look for one that has the …
Health topics
… by the kidneys. It is one way to measure kidney function. Your doctor will also use a test that measures the amount of protein in your urine and the cause of your kidney disease to guide your treatment. The eGFR is …
Health topics
… 25, 2025 Overview Regular physical activity can improve your health. It can also help prevent chronic diseases like … disease prevention: Primary Prevention - trying to prevent yourself from getting a disease Secondary Prevention - … from getting worse Tertiary Prevention - trying to improve your quality of life and reduce the symptoms of a disease …
Health topics
… urges even when you have only a little bit of urine in your bladder. You may not be able to hold your urine until you get to the toilet. This can lead to … need to drop everything and race to the toilet can disrupt your life. And if you leak, even if it's only a little bit, …
Health topics
… Overview Aerobic exercises increase the flow of oxygen to your muscles. This allows your muscles to work longer, helping you do more activities … can also be aerobic. These activities include walking your dog, doing housework, and playing with children. …
Health topics
… Most hip fractures are caused by falls. As you get older, your bones naturally lose some strength and are more likely … or car crash or a sports injury. What are the symptoms? If your hip is broken, you will most likely: Have severe pain in your hip or lower groin area. Not be able to walk or put any …
Health topics
… you take one time. After you swallow it, it is taken up by your thyroid gland . Depending on the dosage used, the … in the iodine destroys most or all of the tissue in your thyroid gland, but it does not harm any other parts of your body. While radiation can cause thyroid cancer , …