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Health topics
… been easy. I've had some ups and downs, especially over the holidays. Hey, I love to eat. Sometimes it's hard to stay … that motivates him to keep up his routine. "Taking care of yourself can make a huge difference in your health," he says. "It's possible I might still get type …
Health topics
… change. Or maybe you're nervous or worried that you'll let yourself and others down if you don't succeed. You're not … a plan. Think about what the change will mean to you. Ask yourself some questions, and write down your thoughts. What … that doesn't include events that can trigger slip-ups, like holidays, social events, and high-stress times. Reward …
Health topics
… . If you have a family history of PKU, talk with your doctor about genetic testing if you want to find out … 1 If the phenylketonuria (PKU) screening test shows that your baby has a phenylalanine problem, the doctor will do … dietitian can help you choose the right foods and recipes. The medicine sapropterin (Kuvan) may help lower …
Health topics
… dementia. Dementia is a loss of mental skills that affects your daily life. It can cause problems with memory, … people stay the same for years. Others lose skills quickly. Your chances of having dementia rise as you get older. But … There is no single test for dementia. To diagnose dementia, your doctor will do a physical examination and ask questions …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about … to play with my grandkids and the confidence to take the holidays my wife and I always planned. I've decided to have …
Health topics
… is bedrest? Bedrest is limiting physical activity during your pregnancy. It can last a few weeks or even months. It may be at home or in the hospital. Your doctor may put you on partial bedrest or full bedrest. … or number puzzles. Organize photo albums, scrapbooks, recipes, or addresses. Take a free online course in an …
Health topics
… they quit, but many lose this weight over time. But keep your focus on quitting. After you are confident of not … starting a much healthier life. Smoking is much worse for your health than gaining a few kilograms. If you try to lose … and keep temptation away: Don't quit smoking during holiday periods. You're more likely to eat more then. Stay …
Health topics
… can do is to start eating a heart-healthy diet. Changing your diet can help stop or even reverse heart disease. At … a number of small changes can add up to a big difference in your heart health. To have a heart-healthy diet: Eat more … of salt, to add flavour to foods. Modify your favourite recipes so they have less fat and calories but still taste …
Health topics
… experience. Depending on who you are and the nature of your loss, your process of grieving will be different from another … You may become more aware of your feelings of grief during holidays, birthdays, and other special events. With loss, …
Health topics
… foods that can be consumed regularly. Calcium and your health lists a variety of other foods that also … Canada's Dietary Guidelines Healthy eating recommendations Recipes (individual recipes are available in PDF format) Evidence including the …