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1333 results found
Health topics
… 3 kg (7 lb) in a year. May have arms and legs that seem too long for their bodies. Lose about four baby teeth each year. … 3 kg (7 lb) in a year. May have arms and legs that seem too long for their bodies. Lose about four baby teeth each year. …
Health topics
… surgery. The doctor will take out your kidney through a long cut (incision) in the front or side of your belly. The … surgery. The doctor will take out your kidney through a long cut (incision) in the front or side of your belly. The …
Health topics
… of low blood sugar. Drinking a lot of alcohol over a long period of time can damage your liver (cirrhosis). If … of low blood sugar. Drinking a lot of alcohol over a long period of time can damage your liver (cirrhosis). If …
Health topics
… quickly. For others, it can take years. But no matter how long it takes, many people find that asking themselves … quickly. For others, it can take years. But no matter how long it takes, many people find that asking themselves …
Health topics
… baby is latching on and feeding properly. Advise you on how long to use nipple shields. Offer tips on how to wean your … baby is latching on and feeding properly. Advise you on how long to use nipple shields. Offer tips on how to wean your …
Health topics
… pages and stare at the pictures at first, but it won’t be long before your little one is quietly listening to stories …
Health topics
… happen less often - sometimes only once every few days. As long as the bowel movement is loose and the baby has wet … of cola, or if there’s little or no pee for 6 hours or longer. If you are wondering about how much milk your baby …
Health topics
… (GnRH-a) puts your body into a state like menopause for as long as you take it. This shrinks fibroids. After you stop … medicine puts your body into a state like menopause for as long as you take it. This lowers your body's estrogen. This … Or you can spray it into your nose twice a day. To avoid long-term side effects, you probably will take it for a …
Health topics
… SVT becomes a problem when it happens often, lasts a long time, or causes symptoms. SVT is also called atrial … Will ask if anything triggers the fast heart rate, how long it lasts, if it starts and stops suddenly, and if the … SVT becomes a problem when it happens often, lasts a long time, or causes symptoms. SVT is also called atrial …
Health topics
… These problems can cause kidney failure and sometimes long-term disability or death in some children and older … about your symptoms, such as: When did diarrhea start? How long has it lasted? How often do you have bowel movements? … These problems can cause kidney failure and sometimes long-term disability or death in some children and older …