2173 results found
Health topics
… common to have heartburn at night when you are trying to sleep. If you often have symptoms or they are severe, you may … you have mild symptoms, your doctor may suggest lifestyle changes and perhaps non-prescription medicines. Here are … common to have heartburn at night when you are trying to sleep. If you often have symptoms or they are severe, you may …
Health topics
… or months later. After a traumatic event you may: Have changes in your emotions, such as: Feeling hopeless or that … easily or feeling like you can't relax. Having trouble sleeping. Having memory loss or trouble concentrating. It can … vegetables and fruit, and dairy. And follow a regular sleep schedule. Move your body. Walking may be a good choice. …
Health topics
… your CABG surgery, you will still be unconscious, or asleep. You will probably be taken to the cardiac intensive … and lung health. Attending cardiac rehabilitation. Making changes in your lifestyle. Have a healthy lifestyle Ways you … your CABG surgery, you will still be unconscious, or asleep. You will probably be taken to the cardiac intensive …
Health topics
… getting a pet. If you can care for one, a pet can be an excellent companion. The type of pet you choose is up to you. … pattern, it can make you start to believe that the positive changes you're looking for aren't possible. If you can learn … getting a pet. If you can care for one, a pet can be an excellent companion. The type of pet you choose is up to you. …
Health topics
… may need to talk with your workplace safety officer about changes in equipment or rotating some of your duties. Make sure that new work changes don't cause other wrist problems or make your … may need to talk with your workplace safety officer about changes in equipment or rotating some of your duties. Make …
Health topics
… monitor your condition. Noticing small but important changes makes it possible to catch complications in their … are also important for monitoring pre-eclampsia. Often changes in the blood and urine occur before you start to … monitor your condition. Noticing small but important changes makes it possible to catch complications in their …
Health topics
… Agency of Canada , mental illnesses are characterized by changes in thinking, mood or behaviour associated with … and mindfulness Stress is a normal response to dealing with changes and challenges in daily life. Constant stress can …
Health topics
… the globe of the eye swells or is pushed forward. If eyelid changes are present with any vision loss, eye misalignment, … the globe of the eye swells or is pushed forward. If eyelid changes are present with any vision loss, eye misalignment, …
Health topics
Health topics
… cord or brain problem. It may cause back pain along with changes in balance or coordination. Back … cord or brain problem. It may cause back pain along with changes in balance or coordination. Back …