2173 results found
Health topics
… that's made when the body breaks down old red blood cells. It leaves the body through urine and stool. When … is called phototherapy. The skin absorbs the light, which changes the bilirubin so that the body can more easily get … that's made when the body breaks down old red blood cells. It leaves the body through urine and stool. When …
Health topics
… This helps improve communication between brain cells over time, which can help you feel better. What about … desire or erection problems.) Headaches. Trouble falling asleep. Or you may wake up a lot at night. Weight gain. … desire or erection problems.) Headaches. Trouble falling asleep. Or you may wake up a lot at night. Weight gain. …
Health topics
… Sleep and Your Health On this page: Overview Overview Everyone knows that sleep is important. Without it, you don't have the energy to … During this break, your brain has time to: Grow and repair cells. Form new pathways for learning, remembering, and …
Health topics
… dislocation of the hip (DDH) . This condition is caused by abnormal development of the hip joint. The femur may fit … dislocation of the hip (DDH) . This condition is caused by abnormal development of the hip joint. The femur may fit …
Health topics
… upper body obesity and skin tags. Breathing problems while sleeping ( obstructive sleep apnea ). This is linked to both obesity and insulin resistance. Hormone changes that lead to PCOS often start in the early teens, … blood sugar. Insulin is a hormone that helps your body's cells get the sugar they need for energy. Sometimes these …
Health topics
… Treatment and Infertility Cerebral Palsy Chickenpox (Varicella) Chickenpox: Preventing Skin Infections Child Abuse … Exposure to Violence Children's Growth Chart Choking Rescue Procedure: Heimlich Manoeuvre Cholesterol in Children and … Age 11 and Younger Nephrotic Syndrome Nightmares and Other Sleep Problems in Children Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in …
Health topics
… Syndrome Post-Operative Problems Pregnancy: Changes in Bowel Habits Pregnancy: Hemorrhoids and … Tests for Colorectal Cancer Technetium-Labelled Red Blood Cell Bleeding Scan Total Serum Protein Test Upper … Tests for Colorectal Cancer Technetium-Labelled Red Blood Cell Bleeding Scan Total Serum Protein Test Upper …
Health topics
… on how far to stay away from people, how long you need to sleep alone, and other ways to stay safe. You will be told to … more than 1 hour. Avoid close contact, kissing, or sex. Sleep alone in a separate room. Use separate towels, … therapy destroys any remaining thyroid tissue or cancer cells that were not removed during surgery. Learn more …
Health topics
… because many things can affect the lifespan of red blood cells, such as the second or third trimester of pregnancy, a recent blood loss or a blood transfusion, sickle cell disease, hemodialysis, or erythropoietin (ESA) … because many things can affect the lifespan of red blood cells, such as the second or third trimester of pregnancy, a …
Health topics
… How long you stay in the hospital depends on what problem, procedure, or surgery you had. Here are some examples of … How long you stay in the hospital depends on what problem, procedure, or surgery you had. Here are some examples of …